I'm walking into one of my favorite restaurants taking in all the delightful smells. I stop and close my eyes, just enjoying the moment before having to interact with people. I open my eyes and they land on someone I used to know, very well in fact. I debate on whether to approach her or not. I mean she is alone and I'm here by myself so I just wait to see if someone will join her.

Once they bring her what looks like her third drink I approach. "Hey, Brie" I say quietly and her head snaps up to look at me. A sort of lopsided grin pasted on her face, "hey Christina..." she greets me confused. "I go by Chris now" I correct her politely before gesturing to ask if I could sit. She nods quickly so I pull out the chair and get comfortable.

"So... Chris. What are you doing here?" She asks and I can tell how nervous she is already. "Well this is a restaurant if I'm not mistaken" I say looking around funnily. She gives a lighthearted chuckle before rolling her eyes playfully. "It's one of my favorite places and I've had quite the day so I decided to pop in" I explain.

"That's nice" she replies awkwardly taking a sip of her drink. "So what have you been up to?" I ask folding my hands on the table. "You know, filming the show... going out. The usual" she says. She has definitely changed since the last time I saw her. She is just as beautiful and I can even feel her confidence, yet she's fidgeting.

"I see you're here alone" I say jumping straight into why I came to her table, since she doesn't seem interested in small talk. She shifts in her chair, straightening her posture and immediately giving me chills. I have found myself and gotten to know who I am since I... left her. Yet somehow, she can still turn back time and make me putty in her hands with a single look.

"Who says I'm alone?" She asks indignantly glancing down at her drink to move the straw. "Okay..." I say looking up at her, "that's great! Who is he?" I ask and she chuckles looking dish at the table. "Or, you know, or who is she?" I ask looking down nervously. "Oh god" she chuckles in disbelief looking towards the other tables. "What?" I ask chuckling while leaning forward and smiling.

"What happened between you and I, was a one time thing" she decides. "Yeah ok, well it was actually four" I say holding up my fingers. She looks towards the floor and raises her eyebrow, smiling as if she's remembering. "I'm a different person now Christina" she says picking up her drink and taking a hearty gulp.

"It was just a question... I hope you're doing good" I say seriously. The waitress approaches and takes out her pad to take my order. "What can I get for you?" She asks smiling widely, I glance her up and down quickly as a natural response. "Oh no need. I was just going" I say standing up and closing the generous gap between us.

I see her cheeks flush and smile softly as I push in the chair and return the distance between us. I look back to Brie and see that familiar glint in her eyes. "Maybe I'll see you another time" I say before walking to the front of the establishment. I have no desire to stay here anymore, not because she makes me uncomfortable. I'm just ready to go home now and be alone in comfort.

As I'm walking towards my car I hear the quick clicking of heels behind me. "Christina" she says making me stop in my track and spin around. I quirk and eyebrow at her trepidatiously. "I never got your number" she points out taking steps closer to me. "You never asked for it" I counter and she chuckled before quickly meeting my eyes. "Well I am now" she continues, "it's still the same. Always has been" I say as it should be obvious.

"Ok... we could maybe hang out sometime?" She says and I can't hold back my giggle. "What?" She asks crossing her arms, "nothing. I'd be down for that" I say and she still looks at me confused but I brush it off. "Ok..." she says unsurely, "see ya later Brie" I say turning around to walk to my car. I get in and see her still standing in her same spot staring into space. She's still not used to people being so nonchalant with her.

Well... nothing I can really do, right? I crank up and head to my little house to find something to eat and take my ass to sleep.

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