I've been at the academy for about 3 months now. I don't really like talking about how I got here, since it isn't the most pleasant. I knew there was something different about me, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I'd heard about powers and I saw the advertisement for the coven on tv.

I started looking into it to see if I had powers and how I could control them. Most of the information was very hypothetical, mostly theories. Some of them were useful though, for a while at least. I didn't want to tell anyone about them, which was the only way I could get to the academy.

Unfortunately some—incidents occurred and I had no choice. So here I am, and I honestly wish I would've done it sooner. It's such a closely intertwined family. I mean of course we fight, but it's like siblings and we always resolve it somehow. Now there is a slight problem here.

Well at first I was worried about them finding out I'm into women. That was definitely the least of my worries though, they are very accepting. The supreme herself is actually into women. Whereby lies my problem: I'm into her. Now I've had crushes before, and I've been able to push them down.

At least enough to not embarrass or out myself for that matter. However, I have very strong feelings for her—well I suppose you could say had. As soon as those thoughts crossed my mind, they were shut down. She has a girlfriend, who actually lives in the academy with us.

Don't get me wrong she's beautiful, so much so that I find myself wanting to be her. For many reasons. Every time I see them together I get this weird feeling in my chest. I'm not quite sure if it's anger or jealousy—or both. I've been quite unsure of myself here lately.

I mean so many questions have arisen. Of course I'm a bit angry at myself for having the crush in the first place, but I can't control that. The confusion comes in with Wilhemina actually. I've, obviously, had to set my feelings aside because we have to get along.

So I've gotten to know a bit about her in these past few months. In fact the other girls have been surprised by how much time we spend together. I found myself running into yet another issue. Do I want to be her or do I want to be in her? Which is absurd because how can I have a crush on BOTH women?!

I have truly lost my mind. An idea which seems to be approved by the surfacing of my most recent power; mind reading. It's been hell having to deal with this. Everyone's thoughts all at once. I've been practically sheltering in my room to get away from it all.

Spending less time with the girls, with Winnie, it's just a lot to handle. Even in my room though, I can hear them. The closer they get the louder it gets. Luckily, I don't share a room with anyone. I haven't told Delia yet because I want to see if I can manage it myself.

I'm one of those hyper-independent people; to a fault if I'm being honest. It's almost time for breakfast, which is mandatory. Typically morning gathering is mandatory but I've managed to get myself out of that somehow.

Since most rooms were full, I got a room on the first floor. It may be close to the stairs but I didn't realize how much I'd love it. For one, I don't have to be so close to the other girls when I'm trying to fall asleep. That would've been a disaster given this new 'gift'.

Also, I may be a slight bit paranoid so being able to hear who's coming in and out is nice. I'm ready for the day—kinda—so I head out towards the dining room. Another good thing is that I'm close to the kitchen; so whenever I get the munchies, I don't wake anyone.

As I'm blissfully lost in a daydream I get interrupted by the sound of voices. All of them talking at once is already a lot, then all their thoughts too? I would honestly rather be trapped in hell. I know that's bad to say but seriously, can't these people just... not think? At least not so loud?

I mean we have classes where we learn to hone these powers. Like blocking your thoughts or tuning in to some else's. The difference with mine is that I'm clairvoyant apparently or rather like telepathic. I don't know the correct term, all I know is that it's aggravating.

I sit down at the table and I just know this is going to be a long day yet again.

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