Hela's pov

I woke out my sleep early in the morning from a light tapping on the window. I've always been a light sleeper since before I can remember really. I opened my eyes hesitantly and glanced over to see what I assume to be a mercenary. I groaned softly as my wife still slept peacefully next to me. I smiled at her and pushed a piece of hair that has fallen, away from her face. The tapping got more frequent and seemingly urgent. I rolled my eyes and kissed her forehead softly before slipping from under the covers.

Making sure to put my suit on before walking over. The good thing about these windows is that I can see out but no one can really see in because of the tint. He sees me and stops but motions for me to come out. I open the door to slide out, quietly closing it behind me so I don't wake the bear. That woman really doesn't like being woken up early, I unfortunately learned the hard way. "Speak" I say crossing my arms and he trembles momentarily before gathering himself.

"I came here to warn you of an eminent danger. A rogue portion of the avengers are coming here to destroy you and your planet" he says somewhat frantically. "Ok first of all, calm down. All your movements are going to give me a headache. Secondly, my brother is a part of the avengers and I highly doubt he's on with this. And lastly, why are you here to tell me this? Who sent you?" I ask leaning against the wall and taking him in. "N-no one ma'am. I heard them talking about it and well I know Heimdall from a long time ago. No matter, but I thought you should be warned at the very least" he stutters put.

"Tell me..." "Polis" "Polis..." I chuckle to myself lightly. "Tell me Polis, are you really worried for my safety? Do you not believe I could take them down by barely lifting a finger? I have to presume you're only doing this for the money" I say with a smirk. "As I said previously, there is nothing in this for me. I just admire your work and strategy and didn't want you to be caught off guard" he explains. "Very well then. You may go" I dismiss him and turn to go back into my chambers. "I beg of you to take this heeding seriously" he pleads, "my brother would never let that happen" I say confidently.

"Miss, the main reason I'm here is because your brother is not aware. They've gone rogue because they knew he'd never agree to carry this out" he says making me pause. He may actually have a point. "Who exactly is on this... 'rogue force'?" I question, "the team is lead by Ironman and Captain America. The others they've recruited from rebellion forces because they know the others would alert Thor or Hulk of their endeavors" he says. "Thank you" I say not turning around, it's not that I'm scared, well not for myself. I can survive it but my wife and the civilians can't. At the very least it's worth looking into.

"You're welcome" he bows, I open a portal for him and he returns home as I pace the balcony. Well my first action would be to check the bifrost activity between the regular shift hours. There are times when no one is present on site and that would be the times they could've come. However I don't see why they would come here and how they would get here without someone manning the sword. Then again there is that strange doctor, he seems to be able to open portals to any world or universe. What sort of vendetta does he have against me though? I suppose that's not of importance.

I'll just do a little bit of digging and come up with a quick plan. I look back at my wife still sound asleep, now hugging my pillow. I smile to myself and sigh as I think of the tedious work ahead of me. I won't leave a note, I'll be back in plenty of time.

A Collection of Short StoriesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora