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Arya's pov

I can't stop thinking about her, no matter how hard I try. She even invades my dreams, it's like I really can't get away from her. I'm supposed to be sweeping the courtyard but I keep getting lost in my thoughts. She's been giving me all these tedious tasks.

Anything to keep me away from her as much as possible, I assume. Just this morning I was ordered to clean every railing in the palace. Not only that but she specifically requested I do it with a toothbrush sized tool. Something about getting in all the cracks.

Oh how I'd love to put my foot up one of hers. I leave the courtyard unfinished, I mean it's not like they'll notice. It's outside there's dirt everywhere and the winds blowing, oh fucking well. I place the broom back in the closet and wander the halls for a bit.

One thing about her that I love and hate is her sense of time. She'll know I haven't finished if she sees me back too early. I heard voices coming down the hall and before I even hear hers, I hear her steps. Far apart due to her long stride and a soft thud, poise yet displaying confidence.

I duck off into a nearby room and all of a sudden I hear the footsteps stop. Fuck they heard me. Just as my breathing picks up I hear them start to talk. By the sound of the other voice it's one of her advisors. "I know that, Myrtle. That doesn't stop me from... that doesn't stop my heart" I hear Hela say.

"You have to let it go, your highness. I understand how much the girl means to you but you have to. If not for the sake of yourself, for the kingdom. We've all noticed a difference in you, you're not the woman we followed" Myrtle says sternly but compassionately.

"I'm human, myrtle. I have feelings you know..." Hela says and I can hear her voice break. It's as if strings in my heart are pulled, begging me to reveal myself. I fight against them and stay in my position so I don't cause trouble. "It's just something to think about. I say this not as your advisor, but as your friend. Find someone else" the redhead says.

I hear retreating footsteps followed by a deep sigh. Hela's steps echo in my ears as she gets closer to where I am. I know she'll hear me when she passes so I decide to just come out now. I step out of the room and her eyes immediately catch mine. "What are you doing here?" She asks, standing up straighter.

"I'm finished with the courtyard and was looking for something else to do" I say confidently. She glanced me up and down and I see sadness flash across her face. "How much of that did you hear?" She asks softer this time, I see her body slump in the slightest way.

"All of it" I reply honestly, there really is no point in lying to her. She always knows with me. "I'm sorry" she says and my eyes widen involuntarily. I've never heard her apologize to anyone, for anything. "It's ok" I say a little surprised, she just nods and walks away.

I stand there for a moment, in shock, I have no clue what just happened. But something is telling me I need to fix this somehow. I conclude to go to my special place so I can think about this before I make any quick decisions.

I make it to the bifrost and look around to make sure no one's here. Once I'm sure the coast is clear I push in the button with my foot. A door slides back and I turn around so I can go down the ladder. I'm not certain if anyone else knows of this place but I've never met anyone down here.

I reach the bottom of the ladder and hop down to the floor. Using my magic to light the various candles surrounding the room. I go over to the couch on the far side of the little room and sit. Kicking off my shoes and putting my feet in front of me, pulling my knees to my chest.

What do I do? I could tell her the truth, not that I lied to her before. I said I couldn't return her feelings, not that I didn't have them. Although I think she took it all the same anyway. I have to tell her, not just for my sake and the fact that I can't keep holding this in.

Also for her, I can't stand to see her suffer knowing I'm the cause. Knowing that I can easily fix this by just admitting to her that I'm scared. Definitely easier said than done. I can do this, all I have to do is talk to her... damn I have to talk to her. It's fine. I got this.

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