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As I slip myself into the dress and actually look at it my eyes widen. I waste no time making my way to Madison's shared room with Zoe. I open the door and close it behind me, "Madison Forbes Montgomery" I say sternly and she turns around smirking.

"I'm not wearing this" I say planting my feet, "why not?" She asks teasingly. "I know you see this" I say gesturing to my body and she shrugs walking over. "You look hot" she says making a little purring noise as she runs her hand along my waist.

"Cute. Really fucking cute. Give me something my cooter won't fall out of" I say reaching out my hand. "Ugh fine, grumpy pants" she sighs pulling something out her wardrobe. "You're not getting anything else" she says crossing her arms. "That's fine. If I don't like it I won't go" I shrug nonchalantly as I walk out.

"That's not an option!" I hear her yell as I'm walking back to my room. I chuckle to myself and close my door behind me changing into the new dress. Alright it's a little out of my comfort zone but it's not bad. I put on some black heels to match it and some gold accessories.

I do light makeup and put my hair in a cute ponytail. I run my hands down my body and tilt my head to the side, looking at myself one last time. Well this is what I'm working with and it'll have to do. I exit my room and walk not so cautiously down the stairs.

"Holy smokes, mama" Zoe says as she looks me up and down

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"Holy smokes, mama" Zoe says as she looks me up and down. "One word, dominatrix. I'm sorry, two words, HOT" Queenie says glancing me over too. "It's giving slut. I'm in love" Madison says playing likes she's fainting. I roll my eyes playfully and pull the dress down a bit.

"Girls? Where are you-" I hear Delia's voice come to a stop and I turn to face her. She looks me over slowly before shaking her head and meeting my gaze. "We're just heading out for a bit, should be back by 12" I say softly. "Liar" Madison coughs making the girls giggle.

I give her a warning look and she puts her hands up in surrender. Delia has yet to speak and just keeps staring at me. "What happen-" Tammy also stops as she sees me and looks me up and down. All this attention is making me feel funny. I don't miss her hand gripping Delia's waist protectively though.

Just as I don't miss the slight flinch from her that breaks her from her trance. She looks over at Tammy and smiles nervously. "So where are you going dressed like... that?" The slightly taller blonde asks me as she eyes me with a scrutinizing gaze. Her tone of voice proves that what's she's feeling is different, however.

I can hear the jealousy which might conceal the underlying feelings to others. I can tell there was a bit of... soft feelings behind that statement. "A club" I answer finding that it doesn't matter how long my responses are with her. "Do you think that's a good decision with all these young girls?" She asks with a devious smirk on her face.

Any semblance of those soft feelings were gone, she was trying to make a fool of me. I look back to the girls who are all watching intently except for Madison. She leans against the wall checking her nails and the time. "They're of age. Besides I'll be with them" I say confidently.

"And... you'll keep them safe" she says more as a question. I can tell she doesn't want to outright disrespect me when Delia's in the room. "Yep. We're going now" I say turning around and giving no more thought to the conversation. "Be safe" I hear Cordelia finally speak up just before the door shuts.

I sigh before calling us an Uber and clearing my thoughts so I can be present tonight.


We certainly all had too much to drink. I wasn't supposed to get this pissed but I didn't even realize how much I was drinking. Nonetheless I pull myself together to call us an Uber back. I usher the girls to the car and make sure they get in safe with seatbelts.

Once I've relaxed into the seat I feel the drinks hitting me twice as hard. I can sober myself for responsibilities but every time I do I feel I get drunker. Before I know it, we've arrived at the house and I get everyone out. We walk to the door and I unlock it with my powers, too tired to use the key.

They stumble in with me behind them. I shut the door as quietly as possible and take off my heels. I instruct all the girls to do the same, some of them having to sit on the floor. Just as we're about to ascend the stairs I see Cordelia standing at the top. "Shit" I mutter under my breath, "shit is right my dude" Zoe whispers not so quietly.

I gather myself and help the girls up the stairs and into their rooms. I already know she's going to want to have a conversation with me. "Do you know what time it is?" She whispers as I close the last door and I sigh. "Yes, I know. I'm sorry. I really didn't intend to be out that late and-" before I can finish the other blonde interrupts.

"Come back to bed" she says rubbing her eyes. I look over to see her literally naked. She walks around like that? Or did she know it was me? Little fucker. Delia opens her mouth to say something but I stop her. "You obviously have other... things to attend to. We're all safe. I'm going to bed" I say curtly before walking off into my room and closing the door.

I fall on the bed with a sigh and rub my head a bit. I get up and take off my makeup, I don't want to, but I'll regret it in the morning if I don't. I take off my clothes and pull the covers back. Climbing into bed and instantly falling asleep.

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