I wake up the next day and groan at the sun shining on my face. It's not that I'm not a morning person I'm just a vampire, at least that's what my family says. I mentally fight with myself before finally just jumping out of bed and letting the a/c wake me up. I don't really have any plans for today, but I want to at least get out of the house.

As I'm in the bathroom brushing my teeth and wiping the steam off the mirror from my shower, my phone starts ringing. I ignore it for now, noticing the tone is a general one. I mean it's too early to be dealing with people and if it's serious they'll text me. I finish my routine and walk out to get dressed. Once all that shit is done, I sit back down on my bed and finally pick up my phone. I can't say I'm surprised to see a text message and a missed call from Brie.

B: Hey

That is dry as hell but ok.

C: Hi

I'm not going to give her any more than what she's giving me. She tends to be able to get away with the bare minimum due to her charm but not this time.

B: I was wondering if I could take you up on that offer to go out? Tonight...

C: Sure. 8pm

I look at the time seeing its 9am so I have a while to go. I decide to clean up around the apartment and maybe go for a walk.

(time skip)

So that walk didn't happen, big surprise. I ended up crashing on the couch and watching movies after I finished cleaning. I pick up my phone and check the time to see it's 6pm. Well it's time to start getting ready for this dinner. I'm actually not quite sure if it's a dinner, she didn't specify. I mean It's Brie, so I'm not really expecting much maybe a fancy bar. She does still like the expensive things in life but a dinner doesn't sound like her.

I take a shower and pick out my outfit, deciding on slicking my hair back into a low bun. I put on natural makeup because I really don't feel like hearing her shit. I also have no clue where we're going so I need to look decent. I pull the blazer of my suit gently to adjust it and look in the mirror. I look damn good if I do say so myself. I pick up my phone to see it's 7:30 now so I decide to text her.

C: Hey where are we supposed to be going?

She's always 'fashionably' late, well that's how she calls it anyway. Late is late but that's just me. Surprisingly I get a text right back from her.

B: I was about to head to pick you up, you still stay in the same place right?

She wants to pick me up? Like actually be in a car with me on the way there and the way back? Well alright then.

C: No I moved. 1800 Milf Ave.
B: Alright I'll be there in about 15
C: K

Well this is really happening and I'm going to have to be in a car with her. I guess she has changed. The rest of the night will confirm or deny that presumption so let me not get ahead of myself. I grab my wallet and put it in the inner pocket of my blazer along with my glasses. I assume she has a driver but if she doesn't and gets drunk I need to be prepared to drive. I also slipped some lip balm in my pocket and now I'm ready.

B: I'm outside

That's actually sooner than expected. Well if her goal is to show me she's changed she's doing a good job. I lock my door and head out.

Brie's pov
I arrived at her house and to say I'm impressed is an understatement. When I met her she was living in a little studio apartment. It was well furnished so I had no doubts of her taste. I mean she also chose me so, again, she has impeccable taste. She really has grown up a lot though, as have I. When I saw her that day I was taken aback. It seems she's evolved since we last spoke into this beautiful butterfly. I regret doing what I did, not because she's become better than my wildest dreams. It's because I can't help but feel like I was immature when I was with her.

All she wanted to do was be near me and love me and I just pushed her away. Saying I had more important things to worry about when in reality, I was scared. She is a force like no other. I've never met anyone like her before. Still haven't since we last spoke and honestly, I miss her. I realized that if I want to be in her life I have to change some things. Not just for her but for me like she always told me. She has a way of always being right, it's one of the things I love and hate most about her.

As she walked towards the car I was in a trance. She looks absolutely amazing, that I can't deny. All I have to do is manage to keep my cool and maybe this night will go well.

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