I rub my temple slightly before plastering on a smile. I try my hardest to focus on my own thoughts, but they get lost in everyone else's. My thoughts are like mere whispers compared to the screams of the others.

Madison- God I can't wait to get out of here but I will miss them... maybe a little

Zoe- I wonder what we'll learn in potions today... Gosh I love the greenhouse, so many pretty flowers and interesting herbs

Queenie- I wonder what y/n's thinking... I can't hear her thoughts

Oh if only she knew.

Winnie- they're idiots all of them... well almost all of them

That one made me smile a bit because she's really funny. I try not to read her thoughts cause she's a very private person. The others I can't help but to hear; however, hers are typically quiet. As for Cordelia's, she mostly thinks about work and everything she has to do.

Worrying about the girls and class plans. Whenever she's not doing that she thinks about Winnie and it's really cute. I've heard some of her more... explicit thoughts and they're quite entertaining. I know I shouldn't impose but it's like my own little fantasy too.

The food comes out and we all start eating which makes the voices a bit quieter. A thought about the food with an individual one every now and then which is tolerable. I just focus on my own food and can drown out the quiet thoughts. I sigh to myself as I feel like I finally have some sort of peace.

Until I begin to hear a conversation very close to me and I unwillingly tune in.

God I just wanna bend her over this table and take her right now

Umm who the fuck is that?

Hearing her whimper and moan while I fuck her senselessly... damn she's so sexy

Ok this must be Winnie thinking about Cordelia. I've heard Cordelia's thought and they're... something, but not as vulgar as this. I look up slightly and see Winnie staring at me. Why the hell is she looking at me? Trying to cover it up maybe?

I know... she's so beautiful but you know we have to talk to her first. I'm not sure if she feels the same way.

Yes, yes. I'm aware. Can we do it soon though? I don't know how much more of this I can take!

Now I'm severely confused. I look up to see then both looking at me. Cordelia gives a soft smile like she's nervous. Winnie has a slight smirk on her face and it dawns on me. They're talking about me?! I attempt to swallow but forget I haven't chewed enough yet.

I start choking and quickly try to recover so I don't draw too much attention to myself. "Are you alright dear?" Myrtle is the first one to speak up since she's right next to me. I just nod as I keep coughing and reach for my water.

"You sure, darling?" Cordelia asks and I just close my eyes and take a deep breath. "You alright there, y/n/n" I look up to see Nan smirking at me. I glare at her and shake my head knowing she knows now. Cordelia looks at me and tilts her head but doesn't say anything.

We soon go back to eating but I push my plate away having had enough.


I can hear Delia call out for me in her mind but I don't answer. If I do I'll give myself away and I don't wanna do that just yet. I'll wait to do it on my own terms.

I thought she heard us, thank god

Oh I did.

I thought you said no one could hear you, cause you're the supreme.

Please inform my brain of that.

It's possible, Nan can sometimes but I block her if I'm thinking... other things

So she heard my thoughts? Son of a bitch.

It's just sex Cordelia, you can say it. Besides it's not like anyone can hear you.

Please... for the love of all that is holy...

Oh please, you know I have no problems saying the word sex. It's the other stuff

Ok wait... now I'm curious.

Aww are you shy?

You know very well I'm not shy... if it wouldn't scar them for life, I'd fuck you right on this table. Maybe if it was just y/n I would show her just who you both belong to. You'd like that wouldn't you...

I see Delia turn to her as she thinks this and Winnie blushes and wiggles in her seat. I don't wanna know what's happening under that table right now. Ok maybe curiosity really did kill the cat. "May I be excused?" I asked a bit shakily and Delia nodded, narrowing her eyes at me.

I quickly scurry out the room and into mine to have a moment alone before classes. I lean against the door and I can feel the wetness between my legs. I sigh and push myself up straight so I can change them before I have to go back out.

If they don't stop this I'll have no choice but to tell her.

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