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"We could listen to music and... are you hungry? I could cook" you shrug and she smiles widely. "You can cook?" She asked happily, "a little bit... don't get too happy" you say jokingly. She chuckles and agrees so you go upstairs and grab the records you brought since you knew there was a record player. You come back down with all your records and spread them on the table.

"You can pick whichever one you like, the player is over there" You point to it. "Full of surprises" she says smiling happily and you shrug as you go to the kitchen. You had bought groceries so you look in the fridge and try to decide what to cook. Soft music begins to play in the background as you decide on chicken. She comes waltzing in the kitchen swaying her hips lightly.

You can't help but to watch her but you have to break yourself out of your trance, you don't want her to see you staring. "What's for dinner honey?" She asks jokingly giving you a kiss on the cheek and you shake your head. "I'm thinking chicken Marsala?" you suggest and she smiles again, something she's doing a lot which you love. "Sounds lovely" she says and sits at the island, you can feel her eyes on you as you move.

"So tell me more about you" she say questioningly and you shrug my shoulders, something you're doing a lot. "I'm really not that interesting" you say and you hear her scoff behind you. "Bullshit" she says and you smile and turn around to face her. 

"I'm originally from Italy, I moved to Spain when I was... 4 and I lived there until I was old enough to be on my own.Then I wanted to move to America and I can't tell you why. Simply because I have no idea why I'd want to do such a thing haha. But yeah and I've pretty much stayed there that's where I always go back to" you say and she nods. 

"See that's not boring at all" she says and you roll your eyes. "I think I'm going to move soon just because it doesn't really feel like home anymore" you shrug and she smiles.

"Where are you thinking of moving to?" She asks and you think about it before responding. "Not sure honestly" you say scratching the back of your head. "I'm sure you'll figure it out" she says and you nod. "Tell me about you" you say changing the subject off yourself. "What don't you know already?" She says jokingly and you shake your head. "The media tends to skew things... extremely. It's hard to believe it unless I hear it from the person themselves" I say.

"Exactly how it should be" she mutters and you smile as you stir the pot of rice. She proceeds to tell you about herself and you share many laughs and just comfortable periods of silence. The dinner is over sooner than you would've liked and it's time for her to go home. "Well I guess this is goodbye" you say sadly as you finish washing the plates. "It doesn't have to be" she says hopefully and you smile widely.

"You wanna have a sleepover?" You say jokingly and she nods eagerly to which you look surprised. "I want to spend more time with you" she says happily. "Uhh ok" you say happily but confused, "unless you don't want that" she says unreadable, but you can tell she's disappointed. "No no... i want that. I'm just surprised is all" you say honestly. "Why are you surprised?" She asks leaning on the counter comfortably, yet it looks so hot.

"I dunno" you shrug and she narrows her eyes at you. "You don't want me to say" I warn her and she raises an eyebrow. "Tell me" she demands, "you're you and I'm... me" I say gesturing to myself and she tilts her head. "Gillian Anderson" I emphasize, "that's me" she says funnily. "I just don't see how I'm interesting enough for you to waste your time with" I explain. "First of all you're the most interesting person I've met in a while. Second, being with you is not a waste of time" she says walking towards me.

She grabs my hands a holds them tight, "last but not least, I don't want to hear you talk down about yourself. I won't tolerate it" she says seriously. I nod and she nods in acknowledgment before asking me to lead her to the bedroom. 

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