For the next few days or a week, not like I gave a fuck about time, she continued to ignore me. Avoiding and dodging me at every corner, literally, I'd turn the corner and she'd walk on the opposite direction. I could never get a moment alone with her if she had any choice in the matter.

So I came up with a very stupid plan that may very well get my ass beat. After curfew I waited until everything had fallen silent. Once I was sure the rest of the residents were sleeping, I slid out my room. I'd been following her from a far since she won't let me anywhere near her.

So I've gotten a pretty good guess of where her room is, or at least her office. I didn't want to wake her for fear of having her humiliate me in front of everyone. I mean, this isn't the Wilhemina I knew. She's different and I'm not ashamed to admit that it terrifies me.

I perched myself outside the door, facing it and waiting for her to come out. I knew I'd be sitting there for a few hours so I of course brought something to keep me occupied. It's some philosophy-type book called Being and Nothingness. I feel like the reason I picked it out is obvious, so yeah.

It's pretty thick and there's so many words I don't know. As I try to use context to figure out the meanings and decipher the complex theories, time passes rather quickly. I hear a latch click and my head snaps up to her door. It creaks softly as it starts to open and I jolt to my feet.

She sees me and freezes momentarily, my whole idea was to catch her in a daze. "I need to talk to you" I voice, taking steps closer to her. "We have nothing to talk about, Ms.Y/l/n" she replies coldly, "you've been avoiding me for days. I feel like that constitutes a discussion" I counter.

"What would you have me do? My reasons for staying away from you are valid" she reasons. "Yes, they are. I just want to explain..." I plead, "I'd rather not" she says, beginning to take steps away from me. "Wilhemina, please" I beg, clutching onto her arm.

Her gaze slowly travels to my hand and quickly to me. "Let me go" she demands, a straight face and a death glare to accompany her harsh words. "You don't understand. I need to explain" I stress, loosening my grip as I don't want to hurt her. I just want to let her know that I'm not letting her get away again.

"Again I say: there is nothing to explain" she states. "Can we just make a deal? I just need... maybe an hour of your time. After this, never have to speak to me again if you don't want to. Just... please. Let me try" I whisper. Her eyes shift, not completely like before but reminiscent of our glory days.

"Fine. Meet me back here after dinner" she agrees, "thank you" I sigh happily. "Y/n" She calls, "yes?" I reply, hope filling my voice. "Don't ever grab me again. After this 'talk' you are to keep your distance" she commands, "of course" I gulp. She nods once and then turns, walking away from me as I watch her.

Well now I have to come up with something to say. Where do I even start? I'm not sure I can even relive it myself, let alone recite it back to her. I have to pull myself together, this is my only chance to repair what I've broken. I can't stumble over my words or stutter. I need to be fully composed when I approach her.

I thought having to be away from her was the hardest battle I'd ever have to fight. Yet here I am, reunited with her in a way, and I can't seem to find my courage anymore. All the guts I had in these past few minutes have drained from me. There's no turning back now. I've managed to get her on the same page and at least have a conversation with me.

That alone is more than I ever expected. So I have to buck up and get my shit together. I check one of the clocks and see I have a few hours before our talk. Well more than a few but part of that time will be spent at breakfast and lunch. I need time alone to really think about this. I take one last deep breath and head back to my room to get this day over with.

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