We got back to the house and I unlocked the door allowing us to enter. Gillian fell back on the couch and sighed, "someone's tired" I said and she nodded with her eyes closed. "You want lunch?" I ask her and she makes a sound of approval that makes me laugh. I make us some sandwiches and put some chips on the side. 

"What do you want to drink?" I yell to her only to realise she's right behind me and I yelp. "Am I that scary? Apple juice is fine to answer your question" she says. "Ok" I say nervously and pour her a drink as she takes her plate. She sits on a stool at the counter so I sit on the one next to her.

I bring my plate over and then grab the drinks. We sit and eat in silence until she says something grabbing my attention. "I've had a really nice time with you" she says turning to me. "Likewise" I say, are you shitting me right now? "Maybe we could do this again soon" Gillian suggests. "Maybe" I say vaguely and she quirks an eyebrow. S

he leans in really close to my face and bites her lip looking into my eyes. "Are you sure about that?" She asks tilting her head a bit to one side as I stare at her trying to anticipate her next move. "I would do anything for you" I say quietly just letting my thoughts flow freely.

"Careful. Desire becomes surrender, surrender becomes...power" she says seriously. "Please" I whisper just like Harley and she releases a stifled sigh. "God you're so..." she trails, "good?" I ask looking in her eyes having no idea where this confidence came from. When I'm with her I feel things I've never felt before, she makes me feel amazing. "Y/n..." she says looking into my eyes, "Gillian..." I reply. "I like you" she says and my breath hitches for a moment, my mind beginning to race. "Don't" she says grabbing my head with both hands making me maintain eye contact.

"Not this time. Not now. Just tell me what your heart feels" she utters. "I l-like you too" I do as she asks and speak without any filters. "Do you love me?" She asks still holding me and looking directly into my eyes. I know exactly how to answer but my mouth won't form the single word. So I just stare at her not saying anything while a silent tear makes it's way down my cheek. "Don't cry pretty girl" she whispers wiping away the single tear. "You make it hard" I whisper back and she looks down for a moment, breaking eye contact.

"Do I make you cry for the right reasons?" She asks tears even glazing her eyes. I simply nod and she caresses my cheeks softly with her thumbs. "Are you ready to answer?" She asks and I shrug, she looks at me for a long moment before speaking. "Do you love me?" She asks again and lost in her eyes I just respond how I should've before. "Yes" I whisper completely surrendering to her touch. "I love you too" she replies before kissing me passionately. 

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