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I came back just like she said and I brought a whole pizza for her. I don't know how much she eats but I hadn't eaten yet either so I got one for each of us. I waited for her by the back door where there was a car as well. As it came closer for the time she should come out a man hopped out the vehicle. 

"Excuse me miss, who are you?" He asked authoritatively like I wasn't supposed to be there. And I guess to his knowledge I shouldn't be there and I probably looked like some creepy fan. He was just trying to protect her which I think is really nice actually. "Hi sir, I'm here to see Ms.Blanchett, she asked me to wait for her" I say holding up the pizza.

He nods once and walks back over to the car putting his arms in front of him like secret service. Another 10 minutes go by and she comes out in a sweater and sweatpants. She looks around for a moment and our eyes lock. She smiles widely and motions me to come over and get in the car. I skip over to her trying not to make her wait. 

"Hi darling" she says softly as she helps me in the car first before getting in behind me. She pulls me into her arms and I wrap my arms around her as best I can with the pizza in my lap. She lets go and takes a deep inhaled through her nose.

"Smells delightful" she says her eyes half-closed before opening the top box. She pulls out a slice and eats as if she hasn't eaten all day. "Did you eat today?" I ask softly as the driver starts the engine and begins driving. "No, have to keep the figure for the paying customers" she jokes and I frown. "Ms.Blanchett! You have to eat" I say seriously and she chuckles at my seriousness.

"Please don't call me that, Cate is just fine" she says smiling softly. I've always loved her smile I think to myself, "why thank you" she says almost shyly. "I said that out loud?" I ask and she nods while chuckling.

We soon arrive to our destination which is a hotel I've never seen before. She thanks the driver and he retrieves a bag from the trunk handing it to her. She smiles at him and he nods getting back in the car and driving away. We walk into the hotel silently and it remains that way until we're in the elevator. 

"I didn't know you were bringing me to your hotel room" I say nervously. "Well of course, you paid good money for the experience. I bet most of them paid the minimum. Plus you were modest and just wanted to talk" she winked. I blushed and looked down at the floor, it was silent until we got to the room.

"Well here we are" she says setting her bag down on the bed and taking the pizza from my hand. "You got two boxes?" She says amused, "well I didn't know how much you eat and I haven't eaten yet either" I said in a British accent. I always tended to do it when I'm nervous, I have no idea where it comes from. 

"Well... your accent is pretty good if I do say so myself" she gave a bow and I giggled. She patted the spot next to her and I sat down shyly before opening my box. "So tell me Caroline, how exactly can you tell me to eat and you haven't eaten? Sounds like a hypocrite to me, especially since you don't have a reason" she says.

"W-well... I don't know" I shrug and she looks at me curiously before looking back at the pizza. "I just think you shouldn't go all day without eating for... them" I say disgustedly. She laughs loudly causing me to giggle at her. "You're special Caroline... hmm I must find something else to call you" she says thinking. 

"Most people call me Lily" I say absently as I'm staring at her. "Lily..." she says, "hmm" I hum distractedly, "you're staring" she whispers causing me to shiver. "Sorry" I say looking at my pizza, "it's alright... you haven't touched your pizza" she says. "I'm not very hungry" I say softly and she hums. I look up as she picks up a piece of pizza and holds it in front of my mouth.

"You must eat" she says and I open my mouth to speak but she puts in in. "Bite" she demands, I do as she says, "now chew" she watches my every move. "Swallow" she says quietly and I gulp it down looking into her eyes. "See? Easy" she says putting it to my mouth again and she fed me until half the pizza was gone. 

I looked down at the box and suddenly felt sick, I put my hands to my stomach unconsciously. "No no no. Don't even think it" she says as softly as possible, drawing my hands away. "But-" she puts her hand up stopping me from speaking anymore.

"Do you want to watch a film?" She asks distracting me, "sure" I shrug and she narrows her eyes at me. "Not one of mine" she says lowly and I roll my eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me young lady" she says. "Ok Catherine" I say funnily, "Catherine now is it?" She asks leaning towards me, causing me to back up. 

"Are you scared sweetheart?" She whispers as she gets closer, she crawls towards me on the bed. My back touches the pillows and I realize there's no where to go now. She hovers over me and I look up into her eyes as my breathing quickens.

"You seem like fun" she says quietly as she looks at me. I feel really shy under her gaze and I'm sure it's showing in my face. "No reason to be nervous... it's just me" she says. "It's just Cate Blanchett looking right at me" I whisper. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asks darkly, "I don't like it" I whisper and she back away a little. "What about it don't you like?" She asks softly as she strokes my hair away from her face causing me to tremble. "I don't know" I shake my head and she lays next to me. "Talk to me Caroline" she says calmly and I play with my hands. "Well..."

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