"I have to go Delia" I say grabbing my things and heading downstairs. "Don't leave me. Don't you dare" she yells between sobs. It breaks my heart to see and hear her like this but I have no choice. "Please... don't make this harder than it already is. You know I can't stay" I plead with her.

"Why can't you? I can make it better... WE can make it better. Just please... please don't go" she whispers as she grabs my face. We're standing by the door at this point and I really am rethinking my decision. But it's made already and I can't change my mind. "I'll always love you, my cinnamon apple" I say giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Her hands fall from my face as she realizes she can't do anything to stop me from going. "I love you, Cassie. I really REALLY love you" she says playing with her hands. "I know, baby" I say giving her a sad smile. "Will you ever come back?" She asks so softly I almost missed it with the creaking of the door opening.

"Yes. Always and forever" I say, "always and forever" she whispers back before I close the door.

"I still have it..." she says pulling a ring from her pocket and playing with it. "I told her it was a gift from Misty" she chuckles sadly as she looks up to contain her tears. "Well that's not a total lie... she did gift one to me" I say softly chuckling as well.

"How can you even tell the difference? They're identical" I say looking at her curiously. "Yours has the indents of your finger... gosh you used to get so mad. Your whole body would heat up and turn red... I think it molded to fit you" she says smiling softly.

"Damn that's kinda scary" I grimace, "a little bit, yeah" she giggles glancing at me. "I used to wear it to sleep every night after you left. It only fits on my ring finger..." she says as a tear falls down her cheek. I reach for her face and wipe it as she turns to me.

"Where did you go?" She asks in a whisper and I look down putting my hand in my lap. "Everywhere. I couldn't stay in one place too long or I'd... remember. I left to find myself. I didn't feel... whole without Misty. I loved you and you were and ARE enough. I guess I just wasn't" I say thinking to myself.

"You were for me" she says gently taking my hand and squeezing it. I look up at her and she smiles sadly at me. "I couldn't be what you needed me to be. Someone you deserved. I'm glad you found that" I say sadly. "She's not you. No one will ever be like you" she whispers.

I look in her eyes as her hands come up to my face and wipe my tears. "On a scale on 0 to -10 how thrilled was she about you coming to look for me?" I ask jokingly but with a sad undertone. "She was pissed, but she didn't have a choice. I was coming for you whether she liked it or not" she shrugs caressing my cheeks.

"You shouldn't..." I say looking down and standing up taking a deep breath. "I shouldn't what? Love you? You can't control everything Cassandra. You can't change how I feel about you, neither can I. Always and forever" she said determinedly. "It's not- it can't be like that Cordelia. You know that" I say walking towards the door.

"Don't you walk out that fucking door! You don't get to leave me again! Do you know how hard it was to pick up the pieces when you left? Hmm? How many tears I cried?! I didn't eat for weeks, Cassie. If I hadn't been supreme I would've died. And you know what? That felt like the better alternative" she says crying harder and harder until she's almost inconsolable.

I quickly make my way over to her and pull her into my arms. "Get the fuck off me!" She screams trying to elbow me and kicking her legs everywhere. "Shhh. I'm here now. I'm here" I whisper calming her down slowly but surely.

I turn her around once she stopped thrashing and hold her tightly. "You can't- y-you can't" she sputters, "shh shhh shhh. It's ok" I sat rubbing her back. Tears fall from my eyes as I feel all the pain she felt back then and even now. I didn't realize how much it would effect her.

I sit us down on the bed, pulling her into my side. She swings her legs over my lap and holds me tightly by the waist. I hold her waist with one arm and stroke her hair out her face with the other. "I don't love her, Cassie. Not like I love you" she whispers and I stay quiet not knowing what to say.

"I'm sure you love her" I say more to myself than anything. She leans up and takes my face in her hands once more. "Not. Like. You" she says slowly so I take in every word.

What the hell do I do now?

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