Sally's pov
I'd seen her staring at me from across the room for a while. Little did she know, I'd been watching her too. My mind running through scenarios of what it'd be like to be on top of her. But there was another feeling, a craving to just know her. To know what goes on in the pretty head of hers.

Once she looked away I made myself invisible. Mostly just wanting to see her reaction when she looked back to find I wasn't there. She looked disappointed and that made me smirk. I waited until she'd had a few drinks, thinking she'd be more open to talk after that.

I walked up to her and without hesitation she gestures for me to sit. So of course I do, because who am I to deny such a beautiful woman of anything she wants?

Third person pov
"I'm Sally, but some people call me hypodermic Sally. And your name, beautiful?" she mutters, her gaze raking over the brunette. Merrill blushed a little more than usual at the praise of the blonde before she pulled herself together. "Merrill, but some people call me a whore" she chuckled dryly.

Sally's eyebrows raised slightly, she wasn't expecting such a response. Once she gathered herself she chuckled softly, feeling a sense of comfort she'd never known. Finally someone who knows how to just... be a person. The two talked for a while, telling a few stories of their individual lives.

Sally leaving out the portion about her being dead. Merrill leaving out the fact that she wasn't even supposed to be here. Telling the blonde that she was on a little trip and decided to stop in, which wasn't a complete lie. Although she had no clue how she'd pay for another flight to get her home. She'd cross that bridge when it came.

"So... Sally. You wanna go up to my room?" Merrill whispers, leaning closer to Sally as she says it. Her eyes slightly hooded by her desire. "So soon. Why?" Sally asks curiously, not that she didn't have the same craving. She recognized that itch in the woman that she just needed to be satisfied. She's felt that many times before, so of course she didn't judge.

She just wondered why a woman like Merrill would even have such feelings for her. "Because you want it... 'cause it will make me feel very very alive..." she mumbles as she places her lips on Sally's neck. Her hand running up her thigh and stopping just before she got too close.

"You do want it, don't you?" She asks, "just a little bit" she whispers seductively as their faces come to be only a few centimeters apart. "Definitely" Sally whispers shakily, her body reacting in ways it never has before. "Why don't we go upstairs so you can tell me about it?" Merrill breathes out, her hand moving to caress the blonde's waist.

"Maybe you should get to know each other first" Liz suggests, momentarily bursting the bubble Merrill had created. Her gaze snapped to the woman, a blank stare on her face. Sally kept her eyes glued to the brunette, the simple interjection from Liz not breaking the spell the woman had put on her.

Merrill turns back to see Sally eyeing her hungrily and she smirks. She leans in and kisses her softly, the hand not on the woman's waist raising to cup her cheek. As she pulls away she bites her lip gently. "My mother cut herself 16 times and it proved fatal... do you know me now?" She asks in a hushed tone.

Sally felt her body ignite, she knew she shouldn't feel that way. That maybe to others what Merrill said would've 'ruined the mood'. And yet—as the words flowed off her tongue—they felt like honey. A spicy sweet nectar that she was all too accustomed to. In Merrill she felt she'd found a mirror, an equal counterpart.

The brunette was unlike anyone she'd ever met and her soul craved for it. "I know enough" she whispers in reply and the smile that crept on Merrill's face made the blonde's heart swell. Their hands intertwined, they made their way to the elevator. Hands roaming each others bodies like magnets that couldn't be separated.

They stumbled down the hall and eventually ended up in front of the door. Merrill quickly pulled away and fumbled for her room key in the pocket of her cardigan. It fell with a clatter to the floor, Sally giggled quietly at her clumsiness due to her enthusiasm. The brunette tried to gather herself and picked it carefully.

Sliding it into the slot and hearing the click along with the green light signaling they were finally in. She allowed the blonde to go in first, to which she bowed funnily. The door closed with a heavy thud behind them and Merrill leaned against it. Watching Sally carefully as she seemed to float across the room.

Upon seeing Merrill was lost in her thoughts, the blonde took a seat in a cushioned chair. Taking advantage of the brunette's state and vanishing for a second to retrieve her cigarettes, plus a little surprise. Once she got back she noticed Merrill still hasn't freed herself and she smirked in victory. Lighting her cigarette and placing the lighter on the chest next to her.

Meanwhile Merrill had many thoughts running through her mind. Wasn't she supposed to be here for something new? This didn't seem too far off from what she usually did every night. And yet it was somehow. Sally didn't feel like everyone else. Deciding to get out of her own head she pushed herself off the door.

She was determined to do this, even if it was a mistake.

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