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1 week later

I jolt out of my sleep sweating, tears running down my face. My mind running like a film roll through a camera, projecting horrifying images in my mind. Replaying every second of my nightmare in slow motion. My hand flies to my chest and grips my shirt as my breathing staggers.

It's been a long time since I've had a nightmare about it. I guess bringing it back up just brought it to the forefront of my mind. I managed to calm myself down and I checked the time. 2am. I just laid on my back and stared at the ceiling. Knowing it was impossible for me to sleep at this point.

I knew it was risky but I couldn't just lay here, I would just overthink myself into oblivion. So I put on the most comfortable dress provided in the armoire and slipped on some flats. I carefully exited my room and headed for the library as quiet as I could. I grabbed a book from the Percy Jackson series and sat down.

Curling myself into the chair and cracking it open to start. By the time I got through the first chapter I heard one of the big double doors open. Signaling someone's entrance, which made me think of who would be up at this unholy hour. Which made me giggle because I'm also awake.

I saw Mina come around the corner and I smiled softly. We haven't interacted with each other since I told her everything. I've been giving her time and just being as patient as humanly possible. "Why are you up?" I ask quietly, "I could ask you the same. Besides, I'd know that little waddle anywhere" she smirks.

I roll my eyes at her little playful dig. She'd always say I could never sneak up on her because she always knew it was me by my footsteps. She took a place on the couch nearby and set her cane beside her. Folding her hands together and staring at them as silence fell over us.

"I'm sorry" she whispers, "for what? You have nothing to apologize for" I assure her. "I do. I should've given you the benefit of the doubt. I should've known... I should've tried to help you" she rambles. "You couldn't have known, Mina. I didn't want you to-" "you were my best friend, y/n! I should've fucking known" she argues.

"Well, I don't blame you. The only guilty people in this situation, are gone. Even if you were at fault, which you're not. We can't change the past, only work on the future" I voice. She stays quiet for a moment and sighs before looking me in the eyes.

"I'm sorry for being so horrible to you. At one point you were the most important person on the planet to me. I could've been decent o-or cordial at the very least" she apologizes, "you're already forgiven, darling" I reassure her. "You're still my better half" she chuckles sadly and I smile.

"You know... not that it necessarily matters, but- I never hated you. Sure, I was angry, but I could never hate you. As much as I wanted to" she rolls her eyes, "I umm. I thought you left me... for him. Y/n, I really-" her breath hitches, stopping her from finishing.

I move over to sit next to her and pull her into my arms. "I should be the one comforting you" she mumbles, "shhh, it's ok" I reply. She takes a few minutes to collect herself and then pulls away. "I really loved you. That's why I feel so guilty and- stupid. I let it cloud my mind when I should've just been looking out for you" she grumbles.

"Again, it's not your fault. There was nothing you could've done to save me. What if you'd gotten hurt yourself? I wouldn't have been able to live with that, which is the main reason I didn't tell you. I mean what good would two people in trouble be, hm?" I point out.

"You did exactly what you were supposed to do, honey. You stuck by me even when I seemed like a shitty friend, well I was. I just couldn't avoid it for obvious reason. Regardless. Your stubborn ass would've just made it worse" I chuckle as does she. "I'm glad you're back" she whispers shakily, "me too" I reply softly.

"If I tell you something... can you promise me you won't get mad?" She asks, "you know damn well I can't promise that" I giggle. "Yes but, could you try? Please" she pleads, "ok. I will try my best" I swear sincerely. "When I said I loved you... I meant it. I still love you. As more than a friend" she confesses.

I furrow my eyebrows as I process her statement. "You do? Like actually?" I ask, "yes" she replies softly. "I love you too" I admit, the smile on my face growing consistently. "God I waited like 20 years to do that only for it to be this easy" she giggles. "Yeah I can't believe you didn't know I was like head over heels for you" I chuckle.

"You were? Even then?" She asks with a straight face, "absolutely" I state. "Don't take this the wrong way but... I only dated Michael to get over you. I didn't think you'd ever... you know. I didn't intend to actually date him, though. More as a distraction that got out of control" I shrug.

"Wow..." she sighs, "yeah, I know" I chuckle deeply. "I never dated anyone else... it'd have been unfair. You've always had my heart in one capacity or another" she speaks. "I'll make sure to take care of it now, that's a promise" I stress, "you always have in your own way" she smiles.

"So tell me about your life while I was gone. I can see you've changed a lot" I say seriously, "yeah. I guess I have" she sighs. "So tell me about it. I mean it's not like I have anywhere to be" I say gesturing around. "Where do I even start?" She asks distantly, "the beginning" I answer.

A chance to start over at the end of the world... who would've thought?

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