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I wake up in the morning, half expecting Lydia to be gone. I mean if her previous behavior is any testament, she would do it. Then I'm reminded of how soft she was last night. Sure, she was degrading me at the beginning and towards the end— but she was also really sweet.

It surprised me a lot, I didn't know she could be that caring. All I can really do is hope that carries over in the future. I stretch and yawn, quickly noticing her absence in the bed. I keep a positive mindset as I get up and go to the bathroom. Once I'm done in there, I change into a casual outfit and go into the main room.

"Lydia?" I call for her but don't get an answer so I look around a bit. I soon realize she's not in the room and my mood drops a bit. I know she doesn't have anything on the schedule today, at the very least not until later. Where could she be? As I ask myself this, the door clicks and creaks open.

I turn to see Lydia with a big bag in her hand. Balancing a drink carrier on her other arm while taking soft steps. She looks up to see me and almost drops everything. I giggle and rush over to grab the drinks so she doesn't spill them. We both make our way over to the table and set the things down.

She excuses herself to wash her hands quickly while I take everything out. She soon returns and sits down next to me, giving me a soft smile. I reciprocate it and let her separate the food. "I got you pancakes and bacon with toast and apple juice" she utters as she hands me the container and a cup.

"And... I got you the mini pancakes, 'cause I know you like those better" she says with a cute wink. I bite my lip and stare at her, my eyebrows slightly furrowed. "What is it, love?" She asks, her hand coming to caress my cheek. Don't you dare fucking cry, bitch. "Nothing... thank you" I whisper, "of course, you don't have to thank me for that. Now tell me what's going on? I know it's not nothing" she pushes.

"I don't know... you just... surprised me" I mutter, "In what way?" she asks curiously. Her hand never leaving my cheek as she runs her thumb gently across it. "You're so gentle, and last night... you were so sweet. And I'm not sure why but I- well I expected you to be gone this morning. Just kind of go on as usual I guess" I tell her.

"What made you think that?" She asks even softer than before and I feel like my words may have hurt her somehow. Her eyes drift slightly away from me as she speaks. "It's just all very new for me and I didn't expect it at all. I'm not used to... a-any of this really" I admit.

"You're not used to..." she prompts, "you... all this affection, and it's weird. I mean I've never seen you be so soft and it's probably just because I only see you at work. But I never thought we would- I loved it... it's just not at all how I thought it would be" I explain. "But you like it, I hope..." she mutters, "of course! I love it" I clarify.

"Ok... well that's good" she replies, her hand finally falling from my cheek. In its absence a little gush of cold air hits my cheek making me miss her warmth. I look at her to see her posture has changed a little. She sits up a bit straighter and her movements look stiff. "Lydia?" I call, "mhm" she hums softly, her voice cracking slightly.

"Did I say something wrong?" I ask shyly and she shakes her head. "Oh... I-I just feel like you kinda... left me" I say questioningly. She turns to me and looks directly into my eyes. Her gaze almost penetrating my soul from how intensely she stares.

"Aisha I'm not... I'm not good with verbally expressing my feelings. But hearing that you- that you thought I would do that just... wounded me? I would never do that to you... hurt you like that..." she mumbles, so soft in fact I might not hear her if it wasn't for us being so close. I place my hand on her thigh in an attempt to comfort her and she grips onto it tightly.

Her rings pressing lightly into my skin, the cold silver sending a shiver through me. "I love you" she whispers, and yet again I'm stunned. My voice seemingly taken away from me. What in the little mermaid is this shit?! "I don't know how it happened so fast... but I do, and I can't hide that" she continues.

"You amaze me and terrify me all at the same time and I love that. I didn't think anything could give me the same feeling music gives me. Especially not love... but you do. And that confuses me, but I wouldn't change it. I'm not accustomed to being so openly... loving. But with you it's so easy and I feel like I'd be doing you a disservice not to show you that" she expresses.

"So... yeah" she sighs, her grip lessening on my hand as she finishes. I look back up to her and can't hold back the tears in my eyes. I don't let them fall, but I can feel them there. An involuntary emotional reaction to everything she just confessed to me. "Thank you for that, truly. I feel... everything you do and it is strange, but I like strange" I shrug with a smile.

"So you think I'm strange?" She jokes, "well I don't just like you... I love you" I smirk. She bites her lip and glances down to my lips. "Which means I think you're a complete weirdo" I giggle, she nudges me softly before pulling me in to her side. Holding onto me tightly while kissing my temple gently.

"Now let's eat, baby" she orders and I nod going to open my plate. The food still quite warm, despite my previous thoughts. As we nibble on the food, a thought crosses my mind and I don't hesitate to voice it. "You said, in not so many words, that you love me more than music..." I say, "that's right" she confirms with a nod.

"So... you love me more than Mahler's fifth? I feel honored" I fake gasp, "well... don't get ahead of yourself, sweetheart" she chuckles. "Wowww so you lied to me" I joke, "have you heard the fifth? You'd feel the same way" she states. I just scoff funnily and roll my eyes, "don't roll your eyes at me" she demands.

"You just said you love music more than me, I can do as I please" I pout, taking a dramatic bite of my bacon. "We're performing it a week after we return. Come hear it and you'll see what I mean" she tells me. "You're really serious" I chuckle, "oh absolutely" she chirps, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Unbelievable" I gasp, "but you... well let's just say, music doesn't quite encompass what you make me feel. Not even Mahler" she says softly. "Oh yeah?" I challenge as she leans closer to me, "mhm" she hums quietly before closing the gap between us.

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