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Once she's fully calmed down I leave to run her a bath. I return to the bed to grab her, picking her up bridal style and putting her in the tub. "Thank you" she whispers, "no need to thank me" I reply with a soft smile. I carefully wash her body, mindful of her sensitivity.

"You're so beautiful" I say pushing a strand of wet hair from her face after I washed out the conditioner. She blushes and looks down, playing with the water. "Hey... look at me" I say sternly but quietly. She looks up and into my eyes, I love you. "You're so cute" I giggle.

She smiles softly and I reach my hand down to help her out. Her legs are still a bit shaky but she's almost fully recovered at this point. I wrap the towel around her and dry her body and hair so she doesn't get cold. I carry her back to the bed and pull out clothes to dress her before climbing in next to her.

She holds onto my tightly, neither of us saying anything just yet. I stroke her hair, gently undoing the stray knots I find. "Tatiana?" She says quietly, "yes love" I reply softly. "Are you ummm..." she stops herself mid sentence and I stop stroking her hair. I use my other hand to tilt her chin up so she looks at me.

"What is it? Go ahead" I encourage her and I can see the nervousness in her eyes. "Please, don't be scared" I reassure her. "Are you still going to... forget about this?" She asks shyly, "never" I whisper. She smiles and buries her head in my chest once more. "What does this mean?" She asks me, "whatever you want it to mean, my dear" I respond.

"Well- it might seem weird, but I've sort of always had my eye on you. I just never thought you were interested and then there's also the fact that your mom is my friend. Fuck she's going to hate me" she sighs. "Don't worry about that. I'll handle it if the time comes" I assure her.

"As far as your adoration, I feel the exact same way. I always have" I tell her. "Really?" She asks while lifting her head to look me in the eyes. "Really" I whisper, glancing down to her full pink lips. "Can you kiss me? Please" she asks and I smile before connecting our lips.

This one isn't like any of the previous embraces. It's slow and passionate, full of love and longing. We pull away for air and I open my eyes to see hers still closed as she blushes profusely. "Have I ever told you how adorable you are? You truly are a sight Billie Dean" I tell her.

"I never thought you'd... be like this" she admits, "like what?" I inquire as I look at her curiously. "So... dominant" she whispers the word, "you dominate people as a hobby and you're nervous saying the word" I chuckle. "That's different... it means nothing" she brushes it off. "And this?" I question, "this- this means everything" she answers quietly.

"I think you're holding back" I say honestly, "I don't want to scare you" she says somewhat sadly. "You won't. Let me in that pretty head" I say going back to stroking her hair. "I love you" she whispers as she looks deep into my eyes. "Well it's a good thing I love you too, mi reina" I reply with a wide smile.

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