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I woke up and quickly got dressed. Leaving my apartment in a hurry so I wouldn't miss the flight. By the time I got there and rushed through security to get to the gate, I saw Lydia sitting comfortably. Flipping through a random magazine as she waited impatiently. I took a deep breath so it didn't look like I just ran through the airport like the unstable person I am. I took a seat next to her, not saying anything as she didn't either.

"Good morning" she uttered formally, "morning" I replied tiredly. "Are you sick?" she asks and I turn to look at her seeing she's still flipping through the stupid pages. "Why would you ask me that?" I counter, "you don't answer a question, with a question" she replies, turning her head to gaze at me with piercing eyes. I feel a shiver run through my body but I blink it away. "It's a valid question" I point out, "are you sick or not?" she asks annoyed, turning away from me once again.

"No" I answer, "you sound sick" she remarks. "Thanks" I say sarcastically, "it's not an insult. I was trying to be nice" she replies. "Well you're not doing a very good job at it" I mumble, "come again?" she says, and I shake my head. "Exactly as I thought. You'll have tea on the flight, you sound like shit" she states and I roll my eyes to myself. "Don't roll your eyes at me" she says, "I didn't" I lie and she just sighs. Soon the attendant calls for boarding and we get on the plane, taking our places in first class.

"I'm going to lay down" I inform her, she just hums and looks over the menu. I go to the bed and sigh, it's more comfortable than I thought. I almost fall asleep, but she interrupts me. "Get up" she demands, "no" I mutter. "I said. Get. Up. You need to drink this to get better, I also got you some soup" she states. "What if I don't like soup?" I challenge, "I don't give a rat's ass what you like. We're going to be together this entire week and you're not getting me sick. Now get up" she commands. I groan but sit up and reach out my hand.

She pulls down a table that was tucked into a little wall and places the dishes down on it. "Enjoy" she smiles sarcastically and I narrow my eyes at her as she walks away to sit back down. I start eating and drinking, trying to finish it as fast as possible. "Slow down. It's not going anywhere" she teases, "shut up" I quip. "Fine. Don't come crying to me when your stomach hurts" she comments. I slow down because as much as I hate to admit it, she's right.

After I'm done she takes it away, giving it to an attendant to take. I lay down and end up sleeping through the flight.

time skip: the next day (at the hotel)

Today has been very boring. She hasn't let me leave the room at all. Every time I tried to go she would block the door saying I needed to rest. Finally I just asked her to move the fuck out my way and she raised her eyebrow at me. "We have to go to dinner tonight. If you tire yourself out, you won't be able to perform" she reasoned. "Perform? It's a dinner" I state arrogantly. "Really? You are also supposed to be my girlfriend, so yes, perform" she replies firmly. So I took my ass back to bed until she said it was time to get ready.

We're finally done and I watch as she brushes her hair in the mirror, turning her head and leaning back as something plays on the television. "Come on beauty queen, it's just a dinner" I tease her, she turns around and glares at me. "Excuse me for caring about me appearance" she says condescendingly. "Can we just go?" I ask impatiently, "Yes" she sighs and I follow her out the door and down to a car that is waiting. During the ride she tells me about everyone who is going to be there, what kind of people they are.

I can tell she doesn't like some of them by the way she tried extra hard not to say anything mean. "Just... try not to be an ass" she sighs, "I think I can handle it" I reply funnily. The car stops in front of a fancy place and the driver opens the door for us. She gets out first and reaches her hand down to me to take, giving me a look that says I can't refuse it. I take her hand and get out, keeping our fingers locked as we walk into the restaurant.

This feels like it's going to be more difficult than I thought.

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