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The first person I see come out the car is Constance. She runs over and jumps into my arms forcing me to grab her and balance us both against the car. I giggle as she clings to me and squeals a bit. She jumps down immediately and straightens out her shirt. "Sup" she nods and I shake my head amused as everyone else laughs.

"Uhh why are you barefoot?" Amita asks me as Constance walks over to dap up Nine. "Long story" I tell her, "short story actually" Daph cuts in. "She broke a heel" Debbie says and just then Rose walked up. "Fashion emergency" Daph says looking at her nails and Rose furrows her eyebrows.

She turns to me and her eyes widen a bit, "well come along then" she says. She takes me over to her car, a white bmw suv, and goes around to the trunk. Popping it open to reveal several outfits and pairs of shoes. "Don't ask" she says waving her hand dismissively. I nod and smile and proceed to watch her go through several shoes.

She looks at my feet, grumbles and then goes for another pair of shoes. After rummaging around through multiple boxes she pulls something from the back. As they fall free my mouth falls open. "Oh no. Absolutely not" I say shaking my head.

"Oh come on! You'll look fabulous in them. Besides... it's the only pair I have in your size" she grimaces apologetically. Waving the thigh high boots slightly, in front of me. "Roseee" I whine, "darling. It's this or no shoes" she deadpans. "Fine. Let me have em" I say reluctantly and she smiles handing them to me. Motioning for me to take a seat so I can slip them on.

I put them on my feet and stand up in them rolling my eyes. I look to see Rose gazing at me with scrutiny. "What now? You said these would look good" I pouted. "Yes, yes, but no. Must change the outfit" she decides. Before I can even utter a rebuttal she's looking through the dresses.

I sign and cross my arms as I wait for her to find something 'suitable' for me to wear. She pulls out a dress and my eyes widen yet again. "Before you say no... don't. Put it on, no fuss" she instructs. "And where do you suggest I 'put it on' exactly" I say. She spins on her heels and pulls out this odd contraption.

Swinging it out and unfolding it, it makes a little dressing room almost. "Where do you even find these things?" I ask staring at it curiously. "Around" she answer vaguely before ushering me into the box. "Coat too" she hands it to me and I lay it over the edge until I'm ready. I close the last flap around me so only my shoulders and head show. I make quick of taking it off and slipping on the new dress.

(The dress is strapless btw)

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(The dress is strapless btw)

I step out and Rose's mouth falls open slightly. "Good heavens I might faint" she jokes and I just roll my eyes in response. She folds up the makeshift changing room and closes the trunk. "Ok so we've just got one more hurdle to cross" Rose says and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"Well, you know..." she wiggles her eyebrows and I look at her even more clueless. "Oh come on we all know" she stops walking and I do too, turning fully to look at her. "Lou... you... don't act so coy" she nudges me, I open my mouth to object but can't even bring myself to.

"Right. You look hot, I made sure of it. So go on now, I want to see her reaction" she demands, pushing me forward. "Alright alright" I reply taking a breath to prepare myself. I walk out the little patch of darkness and into the light. Rose whistles behind me, enough to get the others attention.

They all turn to look at us, well at me since I'm in front of Rose. They all have similar reactions of shock, Debbie quickly putting out her cigarette. "Holy smokes mama" Tammy comments and I giggle, "what's cookin', good LOOKIN'" Constance says. "Lookin' good" Nine adds, "damn it, now I wanna change" Daphne pouts.

Amita just stares without saying anything but then they all turn to Lou. I shift my gaze to her and watch as she slowly puts out her cigarette. She turns and looks around her before looking at me. Taking a quick glance over and showing no expression.

"What?" She asks looking uninterested, "you look good" she says in a softer tone. Smiling, but it seems to only be for effect as she looks tired or maybe... sad? I'm not quite sure but I can feel the energy shift as she speaks. Debbie clears her throat and everyone sort of clicks back.

"Alright. Off we go" Rose says and everyone nods or hums in agreement. Nine opts to ride with us and we all get in the cars to head to the club.

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