Present time

I've been keeping tabs on Marissa from my hotel room for 3 days now. I slipped a tracker in her bag as we brushed one another in the hallway on the first day. I was coming up from breakfast and she was heading out. I watched as the little dot on my computer screen moved.

She hasn't been out much in these few days which is a relief. Any time she does go out it's just to a little shop or to the beach nearby. They decided a little town in Florida would be the best location to lay low. So here I find myself in Fort Pierce, one of the most depressing places I've ever seen.

Then again, that's always a good option because no one would really think to look here. As for me, I haven't left the hotel room at all. Ordering room service like it's free because it kind of is. Regardless, I'm ready to see anything else but these four walls I've been confined to.

I didn't need the full 3 days to surveillance the area. Due to my short stint in tech with Garcia I had already hacked all the cameras in the area. Another skill of mine is picking up on things quickly. So by the time Marissa had laid her pretty head down on the first full day here. I already had eyes on anything that moved in a twenty block radius.

On the second day, since she went out, I already knew no one was following. If my assumptions were correct, which I was confident they were. Whoever these people were that were looking for her would never come here. If they had, they would've already shown themselves.

Jumping at the first opportunity to get their hands on her without a second thought. Nevertheless I followed protocol as three days was the minimum. Today, though, I'm finally free to leave the room and I'm beyond ecstatic. I've already gotten dressed and checked the clock.

"0600 hours" I mumbled to myself, breakfast should've just started. I head down, slowing my pace slightly as I pass her door. I hear a bit of rustling but nothing major so I keep going. Finally having the privilege of taking the elevator. I get down and make a beeline for the hot drinks.

Getting a hot cup of water to make tea before grabbing a bagel and cream cheese. I sit at a table in the corner and observe the room. All these people carefree, completely unaware that they're being watched. It fascinates me how some people are utterly oblivious to their surroundings.

I take a bite of my bagel and my eyes track Marissa as she enters the room. I can see her tense slightly as she feels someone staring at her. I keep my eyes on her and watch as her head turns marginally in my direction. Her peripheral vision giving her access to me.

I smirk and she looks away rolling her eyes. Just out of curiosity I continue to look at her. Taking note of her gait but also her selections. A cup of black coffee with fruit and a piece of toast. That seems typical for her. I divert my attention to my own food and finish off the bagel.

Discarding the plate in the trash I return to my seat where my tea rests on the table. By this time she's done and heading for the tables. As much as I would like to presume she'd sit with me, I know that's not the case. Just as I suspected she takes her place a few tables away.

I finish off my tea while looking out the window towards the pool. Again discarding my trash before heading outside. I know her routine by now. She eats and usually goes back up to her room to decide where she'll go for the day. However, I also know she wants to avoid me and so she'll leave directly after she's done eating.

Yet again, just as I predicted, I clock her exiting the hotel and heading east. I let her get about a block away before I start following her. Carefully dodging people while being mindful to also conceal myself within the crowd. I go about that for ten minutes before I start closing the distance between us.

I can tell she's still unaware of my presence even as I'm five steps behind her. I tap her on the shoulder and she spins around. A look of surprise flashing across her face before it falls. Just as quickly as she looked back she turns back around and keeps walking. I keep up pace, staying beside her as a brief silence washes over.

"You really should be more careful. More aware of your surroundings" I point out. "Isn't that what you're here for?" She asks with an arrogant air to her tone. "I'm here to aid you. Not be your babysitter" I reply in the same tone. Whatever she dishes out, she better be able to take it cause I'll give it right back.

I can see the look of vague shock on her face before she composes herself. "You don't have to be here" she quips, "well I was given orders to make sure you're safe" I reply. We're just coming up on the boardwalk as she turns to me. "I don't need you here" she insists, "give me your bag" I put my arm out.

"I will not" she declines indignantly, "give me the fucking bag, Jasmine" I demand. Not using her name for obvious reasons. She narrows her eyes at me but slides it on my arm. Crossing her own over her chest as she watches me open it and dig around for a bit. I pull out the tracker holding it just over the bag.

Only long enough for her to process what it is before placing it back in its spot. "How did you- when did that happen?" She asks and although she tries to hide it, I can sense her anxiety. "Don't worry, I'm the one who put it there. The first day we were here" I inform her. "I wasn't 'worried'" she scoffs, "right" I say handing her back her bag.

We head up the wooden stairs of the boardwalk and up on the high platform. "Are you ready to tell me why you've been avoiding me like an intern?" I ask bluntly and I see her jaw tense out the corner of my eye. "I have no reason to talk to you" she replies.

"Seeing as I'm the person playing a significant part in keeping you alive, you do" I remind her. "Again, I don't ne-" "not only did I slip a tracker in your bag. I was following you for ten minutes and you didn't notice. On top of that I also broke into your room and took this" I say.

She turns to me as I say that and I dangle a golden bracelet in front of her. She can't hide the distress on her face as her eyes widen. "And your watch I took off you when I tapped your shoulder" I say pulling it out my pocket as well. Placing them in her hand before leaning against the railing.

"Congratulations, you're a certified thief" she praises sarcastically. "First of all, I'm not a thief if I returned it. Second, you and I both know that's not the point" I assert. She remains quiet and just stares out at the ocean in contemplation. "Listen, I know you're scared and this is an abrupt change to what you're used to" I offer.

She still stays silent, not even sparing me a glance. "But if either of us wants to go back home anytime soon. Which I know I do and I can only assume you do as well. We have to work together" I point out. She walks away but I know she acknowledges what I said.

I allow her to go off on her own knowing that I've said my piece and she has to come to terms with it. Slowly making my way back to the hotel I smile to myself. I've almost got you Marissa Wiegler. A few more slips and I'll have you figured out.

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