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I don't know why or how but apparently it was real and it was happening. I get to meet Cate Blanchett, in fact I get 10 whole minutes alone with her. Under different circumstances I'd be even more excited but I'll take what I can get. Allegedly she's doing a charity event where... I hate to say I paid for this. Basically people pay money to see her naked, I know what it sounds like. I'm not particularly fond of it either but I'm not going for that. 

I'm going for many reasons, none of which are to see her naked to much peoples dismay. I really wanted to donate to charity and I also really want to meet her. If this is the only way then so be it.

I had a decent savings from working my job, and rent is high of course. However over the course of a few years I've managed to say an odd amount of money. I'm not even sure how I did it but I have thousands in savings. So I figured why not go all out and give my money to those in need. I'm not even sure the name of the charity but I did read their website and they're legit. 

I also found something I liked about it so I figured I could donate. I decided to go for $3,000 since I had the extra to spare from working side jobs as well. The event was coming up, in about 3 days actually so I had to prepare.

I wanted to wear something nice for her, I know it will only be for 10 minutes but still. I wanted to impress her, first impressions are important after all. So I bought a black dress, form-fitting and a little short. I wasn't expecting anything but it made me feel confident and I would need that to talk to her. 

The night before I couldn't get my heart to beat slower because I was so nervous. I felt like it would burst out my chest and still be viciously thumping on the floor. I had some tea to soothe me a bit and laid my head on the pillow praying for sleep. Eventually it came because I knew despite everything I needed to be well-rested.

The day is finally here! I put on my dress and headed to the auditorium. As expected there were quite a few people there but not as much as I had imagined. After all the minimum donation amount was $1,000, though I did expect a bigger turnout. I was happy for her though because I imagine having to show yourself to so many isn't easy. 

I waited in the line for what felt like forever but luckily there were people passing out drinks. I took them gratefully as I stood, admittedly my legs did hurt quite a bit. Yet when I finally got to the front and was waiting for them to send me in that went all away.

I got the door and she knocked on it as they asked me to. "Come in" her heavenly voice said and when I opened the door I saw her. Leaning back on a long chair with a robe carelessly draped over her body. She went to slowly open it and I almost got lost before stopping her. "Please... don't" I say nervously and she looks at me curiously. 

"I didn't come here for that, not that your not the most breathtaking woman I've ever seen. It's just that... I would like to talk to you. If that's ok..." I say shyly. "Well- of course" she said closing the robe and sitting next to me on the couch. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you" I say softy.

"No darling, it's quite refreshing actually" she sighed. "I think it's terrible how they paid money to just... see you naked" I almost whisper. "It's all for charity" she said tiredly, "right..." I say. It's quiet for a moment as I don't know what to say exactly. "How much did you donate?" She asks to break the awkward silence, "oh $3,000" I say excitedly.

"You paid $3,000 just to talk to me for 10 minutes?" She asks surprised, "did they touch you?" I ask as my train of thought gets away from me and I quite frankly get angry. "No, no touching allowed" she says calmly. "Ok... and umm yes" I say relieved and happy.

"That's outrageous honey" she says almost worriedly. "I wanted to donate, it's a very good cause though I have forgotten what it's about now. Of course I've forgotten because you're sitting in front of me and I feel like I can't think straight. You're just so amazing and I love all your work and of course you're gorgeous. I can't even believe I live in the same universe as you I mean LOOK AT YOU. And I'm rambling..." I say cutting myself short. 

"It's sweet, thank you. However I can't let you just pay all that money for this... oh I know! Come back after I'm done and we'll sort out a refund for you" she says happily.

"No no. You don't need to do that I was happy to donate and I really wanted to meet you" I say quietly. "That's really generous darling but I can't let you do that. I'll have them refund you and I'll donate double ok?" She more demands than asks and I have no choice but to say yes. "Alright, you might want to get dinner because I'll be a while" she says apologetically. 

"Sure! What do you want?" I ask rubbing my thighs to get rid of the sweat accumulating on my palms. "Oh you don't have to-" "nonsense, you'll be here a long time. Most everything will be closed when you're done and you need to eat. Plus you're nowhere near home so you must be staying somewhere temporarily. Which means you'll have to find food and I know you're an actress so you don't eat. But you need to" I said putting more emphasis than necessary.

She chuckled and let me just say it was more beautiful than I ever could've imagined. "Fine... I'm really craving pizza" she say funnily. "Cheese? Pepperoni?" I ask, "pepperoni of course" she says as if it was obvious. "Whew I just had to make sure because if you would've said pineapple we would've had a problem" I say. 

"Get outta here" she lightly nudged me making me get up. She got up and gave me a long hug and I melted into her as her scent seemed to envelope me. "Alright, I have more customers waiting" she says shooing me funnily. "I don't like them looking at you" I said seriously while pouting.

"Jealous?" She asked seductively as she walked towards me slowly.

"No. I just think it's rude and they should be ashamed" I say. "Well let's not forget I agreed to do this" she makes a point. "Yes but they're still creeps and they shouldn't get to look at your body" I say. She lifts my chin so I'm looking directly into her eyes. I have to look up quite a bit since I'm much shorter than her. 

"I'm not worried about who looks at my body darling. Because I know who it belongs to" she whispered. I was so lost that I didn't realize her talking to me. "Gosh how didn't I get your name?" She mutters to herself as I break out of my trance.

"Caroline, sorry" I mumble, "it's ok I just wanted to make sure you were alright" she said. "I'm fine, I'll see you later?" I asked just to make sure I didn't dream it and she nodded while smiling. I left the room with a smile seemingly imprinted on my face for life. 

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