Carina's pov

Today has been quite easy thought I don't wanna jinx anything. Days around here are never really 'easy', there's always something going on. Yet today there was nothing. It was a very calm and slow day, so slow I found myself being bored actually. So I spent the day with my wife, Hela, gosh I really love her. People think she's cruel but really she's one of the softest people I've ever met. So often things get misconstrued and words are twisted. She really has the best interest of the people at heart and is quite selfless, to a fault at times.

Anyways, we're heading in for the night now that she's done with all her tasks for the day. I'm so happy to finally be back in the comfortable confines of our room. She never fully relaxes until it's just me and her alone. Sometimes when with her friends, yes she actually has friends, but she really lets loose when she's with me. It makes me so happy that she trusts me enough to be her true self. "Darling?" She calls me from the bathroom and I get off the bed going to see what she needs.

"Yes, honey?" I reply, "come take a bath with me" she says motioning for me to come closer. I smile widely and quickly make my way over to her, pulling her in by her waist for a kiss. "Baby I'm so sweaty" she says pulling away after a few seconds. "Well I'd rather you be sweaty for another reason, but I don't mind either way" I say leaning back in. She laughs lightly into the kiss, wrapping her arms around me so we're flush against each other. "I love you" she whispers against my lips, "and I love you" I whisper back.

We strip and sit down in the bath, her behind me as I lean my back against her naked chest. "So how was your sparring?" I ask closing my eyes, "oh right, that's about the only time you weren't with me you clingy little thing" she jokes. I scoff and then to lightly bite her arm making her jump in surprise. "I kinda like that" she teases, "get your mind out the gutter, your highness. I want to hear about your session" I urge her to go on and she sighs before continuing.

"She's getting better, though she hasn't reached her full potential yet. She'll get there soon, with me training her obviously" she boasts making me giggle. "Wait... she?" I ask opening my eyes, "yes, Nori. Didn't I tell you?" She asks, "no I don't recall you giving me that piece of information" I say sassily. "Oh stop it. It's just Nori, you know she's a good friend" she says dismissively. "Hela, she's a Valkyrie" I deadpan, she chuckles and I feel the vibrations from her chest.

"I'm not seeing your point, dear" she muses, "oh come on, they're basically all gay and look at you. I don't know how I'd do it but I'd kill her if she ever tried anything with you" I say and yet again she laughs. I sit up and turn to face her, "I'm serious" I say trying to hide a smile from seeing her smile lovingly at me. "Of course you are, honey. You love her just as much as I do, but you know no one comes before you" she says pulling me in to passionately kiss me. I sigh and melt into her again, "that's what you really wanted huh? You could've just asked" she teases me.

"Oh shut it, I'm trying to relax" I say leaning back to enjoy the last few moments before we have to get out. We wash each other shortly after and dry off, then snuggle under the sheets. She turns the light off and pulls me to lay half on top of her. Both of us basking in the warmth of the other as we whisper our good nights and head to sleep.

*time skip*

I wake up and the bed feels cold which isn't uncommon since I am a late riser. However this time she didn't leave a note or anything which is suspicious. I won't worry though, she's the strongest person I know. I still want her back in bed but I can last an hour or two with her.

-4 hours later-

Ok I'm losing my mind. Where is she?! She's been gone for way too long and call me codependent but I need to see my wife. She never leaves for more than an hour, two at most, without letting me know what she's doing. I don't think she's cheating or anything, I trust her and know she'd never do that. I'm just worried that something bad has happened. It had to be serious for her to just disappear and not say anything. No one I've asked knows anything about it either. So I'm basically shit outta luck until she returns. I know she's the goddess of death and all but she's my baby.

I hope she's okay

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