"I like you ok?! I'm sorry" she says looking down and playing with her fingers.

"So you mentioned... that... because you like me? Because you were afraid? And you expect me to forgive you" I say. "Well- no... I don't know. I'll do anything... I-I'll..." she starts but stops herself, "she already hates you anyway, idiot" she mumbles to herself. I see her body shake slightly as she struggles to hold back tears that flood down her face regardless of her efforts. I try to hold myself back but when I hear a struggled gasp leave her lips my resolve fades.

I walk over and sit next to her on the love seat, how ironic. I pull her into my arms and she sobs into chest mumbling over and over how sorry she is. "Shhhh I know" I say rubbing her upper back. My hands gradually get lower in an attempt to calm her down more.

She abruptly stops and pulls away from me harshly. Her breathing quickens and her eyes dart back and forth between her hands signaling how fast her thoughts are going. "Wilhemina..." I say reaching towards her but she flinched before I can even get close enough.

"Winnie" I say sadly as I try to figure out what happened and what to do. "I-" she tries to get it out but her lip is trembling she can't compose herself. She sniffles and closes her eyes taking a deep breath. "Please don't hate me" she says trying to sound strong but failing.

"I can't hate you, Winnie" I say and she seems to relax if only a little bit. "If I- if I show you im afraid y-you might not want to be around me anymore" she voices. I can tell how scared whatever this is makes her as her eyes fill up with tears again. "I'm sure it's not as bad as you think" I assure her.

"Will you come to my room? I don't wanna do it here" she whispers and I nod in response. I follow her to her room where she closes and locks the door behind us. She stands still for a moment, not looking at anything in particular. I'm not sure what to say so I just remain silent.

Soon enough she moves over and sits down on the bed. She gestures for me to get behind her so I kneel on the bed facing her back. "Zipper" is that only thing she utters before the room falls silent once again. I hesitantly reach for the zipper and gently pull it down.

As it goes farther and farther her back comes into view. I pull it all the way, taking it all in for the first time. "Can I touch you?" I ask cautiously and she hesitates for a moment, but nods nonetheless. I carefully trace her spine with my fingertips, as I get to her lower back she flinches.

"Does it hurt?" I whisper and she shakes her head, "not right now..." she replies. "Your fingers are just freezing" she chuckles lightly making me return it. "Sorry" I say taking my hands away and rubbing them together.

"Better?" I ask touching her again, "yes" she whispers almost inaudibly. "There's this painting... I can't remember what it's called. It shows the strength behind pain, the beauty within the darkness" I whisper as I slowly memorize every curve.

"Anyways" I shake my head a little to get myself on track. "This isn't anything to be ashamed... or afraid about. It's a part of you, and I think it's badass. You don't have to let it be your central focus" I say zipping her back up. I come around to stand in front of her and her eyes meet mine.

I cautiously reach my hands for her cheeks and wipe her tears with my thumbs. "You are beautiful, you are strong, you are smart. There's SO many admirable qualities within you. And this..." I reach my arm in the space between her left arm and side to caress her back.

"Doesn't change anything" I say firmly while looking into her eyes. Her lips part slightly as she lets out a sigh. I take my hand off her back and push a section of hair that fell in her face behind her ear. Also removing the few strands stuck by being coated in her tears.

It's silent for a few seconds as I study her face. "Will you ever forgive me?" She asks shakily, gaze darting between my eyes. "Yes" I whisper tears brim in my own eyes, "I'm so sorry" she offers. "I know" I say taking my hands from her face to harshly wipe my own.

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