Do I feel something for you?/Chapter 6

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"Did something happen last night?"
He felt worried, what had gone wrong?

"Not just last night...."...

He didn't like the sound of that, but he couldn't help but ask a question again. Kazuha was clearly upset about something, but he couldn't ignore the fact that Kazuha was sad for some reason.
"What happened?"
He felt silly for asking that, but he felt like there was no other choice. He had to ask, he wasn't able to ignore Kazuha being upset. He had to go find those answers himself in some way.

"...Since I went to Liyue, my life went completely down. I had to work day and night, I had no time for time to rest." Kazuha looks down in sadness. "And with all that, I couldn't help but drink every night, I feel like I'm not myself anymore, I only care about drinking so I can get completely lost of reality.... And I'm sorry for being rude to you Scara, lately I've been having lots of breakdowns."

He didn't answer, he just watched Kazuha. He looked worried, he couldn't believe that Kazuha had so many issues and that he was drinking every night. He was starting to understand why Kazuha had been so upset and moody lately, it all made sense now.
"Kazuha... I'm really sorry to hear that... I'm... I'm here if you ever need anything."
He felt like the right thing to say was that he was there if Kazuha needed him, but at the same time that sounded ridiculous to him. What could Kazuha want from him after all?

They're both sitting on the bed, so Kazuha sits on Scara and hugs him. "Thanks for understanding."

He felt completely surprised by that sudden move, he didn't react in time and just let it happen. He felt Kazuha's head on his shoulder and he could almost feel his heart jump out of his chest.
"What are you doing... Kazuha?"
He felt his cheeks getting red and hot again. It was hard for him not to react when Kazuha hugged him like that, but he was trying, and he was failing.

"Hugging you so I can show you I'm grateful." Kazuha smiled.

He felt like a stupid red blob. He just didn't know what to do, but he was so happy that Kazuha was showing him some kind of affection. The fact that Kazuha was hugging him like this had made him completely speechless now. And he liked it so much. He wanted this to continue, he wanted Kazuha's warm embrace around him. But he was too worried to say anything.
"Kazuha. It's... okay..."
His voice sounded so weak, he felt embarrassed but he also felt so excited. He hoped that this embrace would last for a bit longer.

"You're the only person I can count to tell about this, thank you, seriously, you're so annoying but you make me happy."
Kazuha keeps hugging Scaramouche as he said that.

"I'm... um... I'm also glad you trust me..."
He was trying to sound calm but at the same time he also couldn't hide how he felt. He wanted Kazuha to keep hugging him, but he also felt like that was a wrong thing to ask. But he still didn't want Kazuha to stop hugging him, he liked the feeling of Kazuha's warmth around him a lot.
He stayed silent for a bit, but after that he decided to do the only thing he could.
"Kazuha, could you hug me a bit longer pls?"

Kazuha doesn't say anything, but he continues to hug Scaramouche. He starts crying as he hugs him more tightly.

He wasn't expecting that, and that made him feel really worried. He felt a big urge to ask what was wrong or what had happened, but he knew that it wasn't a good moment. The right thing to do right now would be to comfort Kazuha, not to keep asking questions.
He put his hands on Kazuha's back and he tried to comfort him and hug him tighter too. He felt a bit out of place with all the hugging, but it was what Kazuha wanted at the moment, as much as Scaramouche wanted to know what had happened.

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