Fatui meeting/Chapter 51

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"I'll be here, Kazuha."
He started to hum some tunes as he waited, smiling and looking forward to meeting Childe as he had never been so amused to be at a meeting about the Fatui...

Kazuha went back to Scara's room with a Fatui outfit.
"There! Do I look good?" He smiled.

Scara looked at Kazuha and was stunned by his looks.
"Kazuha, you are gorgeous. The coat fits you perfectly."
His eyes were wide, he couldn't keep his gaze away from Kazuha.
"You look like a true Fatui! Wow!"

"Maybe because I am a part of the Fatui now." Kazuha laughed.

"Really? Does being part of the Fatui mean you get to look that stunning all the time?"
He was still amazed by Kazuha's words and how he looked. Scara didn't say anything else, he could only stare.

Kazuha chuckled. "Yeah, I guess so."
He looked at Scaramouche. "Do I look evil?! Hehe."

"You look like the perfect Fatui. You look smart, capable and intimidating."
He paused for a moment.
"But...you don't look evil or bad. You still look like Kazuha, not someone I would be afraid of."
He chuckled softly.

Kazuha giggled. "What can I do to be scary?"

"You could try using a scarier expression? You always smile so much and that makes it hard for you to be intimidating."
He chuckled as he spoke.
"Your eyes can look very intense, so I think if you tried a more serious look you would look more like a Fatui."

Kazuha made a serious and emotionless expression, with no light in his eyes, he seemed serious and he wasn't smiling.
"Like this?"

"YES, LIKE THAT!! You...you look like the perfect Fatui. You are scary, I would be afraid of you if I didn't know you. That's how you look like a villain, you're perfect."
He chuckled again.
"Now, just try to hold that expression and you will be a terror to everyone!"

"Alright, I'll keep like this so people have good impressions about me." Kazuha had a cold and scary voice while saying that.

He laughed and looked at Kazuha, who still looked very imposing.
"Maybe that's a bit much?...you don't have to scare people if you don't want to. I liked seeing you smile, I don't want you to have to change just because you are a Fatui..?"
He looked at Kazuha, who still looked so different, and he was still smiling.
"Don't change too much just because you're a Fatui now."
He seemed a bit worried.

Kazuha turned back to his old expression and hugged Scara while smiling.
"Don't worry! I'll just be like this with the other fatui."

Scara let out a breath of relief as he saw Kazuha's old expression back.
He hugged Kazuha back and smiled happily.
"Thank you, Kazuha."
"Now, I wonder what the other Fatuis will say when they see you looking like that. Are their eyes going to pop?"
He chuckled softly as he imagined all the stunned Fatui looking at Kazuha.

Kazuha laughed. "I don't know, let's go to the meeting point!" He grabbed Scara's arm and went running.

Scara chuckled softly as he was taken by surprise. Once again, Kazuha was like the wind, he suddenly grabbed Scara and they were already running.
"You're faster than I thought, Kazuha."
He kept smiling, but he was laughing when Kazuha grabbed him and he felt like a child for a while, as if he was being carried by a bigger kid. But that was alright.
"Well, it's time to find out how people will react to the new Kazuha, let's go."
He let Kazuha lead the way.

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