Rejection/Chapter 12

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"Whatever you say, I can't get off anyways! Looks like I won't be able to walk for a long time, and it's all your fault, idiot! You need to get me to bed, and give me some treatment, take care of me now, I won't be suffering like this because of you!".....

"Oh... oh, yes, of course..."
He sounded a little scared for a little bit, he would love to help Kazuha, but he was starting to feel a little bit of pressure right now. He could see the pain that Kazuha was going through, he knew that Kazuha wasn't lying, he really was in so much pain right now.
"Here, I'll just..."
He put his arms around Kazuha and got up, he started walking towards one of the rooms.
"I'll stay with you, I... I want you to feel better."

Kazuha lays in the bed. "Dang it!"

Scaramouche followed Kazuha right to the bed, he put Kazuha down in the bed and stayed next to him, close to his side.
"I'll be right here, Kazuha..."
He said that with a soft tone, he was worried now, his eyes were filled with concern. He wanted to help Kazuha feel better, he wanted to see him smile again as soon as possible.

"You're so annoying, I can't believe I need you to take care of me!" Kazuha was clearly annoyed.

He sounded so embarrassed right now, he didn't expect Kazuha to say that to him, but at the same time he couldn't blame Kazuha either, he had been annoying and he knew that.
Still, he couldn't just go away, he had brought Kazuha here just to take care of him, so he wouldn't leave him like this. He would take care of Kazuha and that's it.
"Hey, Kazuha... I'm here to... help, yes."
He said that as if he was trying to prove it.

"What has gotten into you?! You normally wouldn't care if I felt hurt, it should have been me who is the worried one.."

"You're right... but..."
He didn't even finish his sentence, he knew that his behavior was out of character, he couldn't understand why he was acting like this, why he cared about Kazuha so much when he didn't do that before to him.
"I don't know..."
He sounded so sincere as he said that, it seemed as if he was thinking that himself, he didn't know why he suddenly started caring.
"It... it doesn't matter, I will help you get better, I will treat your leg, okay?"

"Okay...Thank you." Kazuha calmed down.

"I'll just..."
He started to apply some cream to Kazuha's leg, he liked how he looked from this angle, Kazuha looked so weak, the perfect sight for him. He was helping Kazuha to treat the pain in his leg, the cream seemed to be working and the pain was diminishing little by little.
"It's going to be okay..."
He said that with a smile on his face, Kazuha was lying down in front of him, he could look at him the way he wanted to.

"Alright...Thank you for this." He smiled.

"It's... it's nothing..."
He was feeling so embarrassed now, he didn't know how to react. He wanted to look at Kazuha even more now, he really wanted to see that smile again.
"Oh... look, you're even smiling now."
He said something in a very soft tone, he sounded as if he really wanted to see more of that smile on Kazuha's face.

"It's not like I'm smiling because of you..." He rolled his eyes.

"Oh, no?"
He pretended to look confused, but he knew perfectly well that the smile that Kazuha's face was because of him. He tried to hide his smile with his hand, even though he knew that Kazuha knew that he was lying.
"You know, you look so adorable when you smile."
He couldn't help himself to compliment Kazuha like that. In his mind he wanted to bite the tip of Kazuha's nose right now, it looked so cute and squishy.

I can't love [Kazuscara]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora