I can't be with you/Chapter 7

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As they continue to kiss, Beidou opens the door of their room and seems shocked by what she saw....

When he notices Beidou, he stops kissing Kazuha immediately. In that moment, he felt a bit annoyed by the fact that there was someone else in the room with them.
"We... we're not doing anything, it's not what it looks like we're just..."
He stopped talking because he didn't know how to make Beidou leave the room without admitting that they were kissing just a moment ago, and he didn't want the situation to be awkward.

Kazuha immediately gets off Scaramouche and tries to justify himself.
"N-no, no! Beidou it's not what it looks like! I had no control by myself, you know how I'm feeling lately, I'm going crazy everyday! You know, like that time I almost destroyed your ship, or the ways I get drunk. It means nothing at all, I have no feelings for Scaramouche! I swear! I just got out of control..."

Scaramouche wasn't expecting that one moment of intimacy with Kazuha would make him feel like this. He felt so silly for falling so fast for Kazuha, maybe he should just forget about that moment. If Kazuha told Beidou that he had no feelings for Scaramouche anyway, then why did that kiss even happen in the first place?

Beidou seemed annoyed and asked: "Well, Kazuha, you have no feelings at all for Scaramouche and yet you kiss him?"

Kazuha looks desperate and he says: "I-I'm telling you, I have no control for myself lately... I... I don't like him at all!"

He couldn't believe this, Kazuha was going against what they had just experienced together. He felt betrayed, he really believed that Kazuha had real feelings for him. Now he didn't know what to believe anymore.
"I... don't understand. I really thought..."
He was stuttering again, he couldn't say anything else as his throat felt so dry at that moment.
"What... what is the truth now? Do you feel something for me or not?"

"I-I..." Kazuha didn't know what to say.

He was waiting for Kazuha to say something else. He wanted to believe that Kazuha felt something for him, but he didn't want to say that to him. He couldn't force Kazuha to tell the truth, but he did want to believe it.
"You're... really not feeling anything?"
He couldn't understand why Kazuha had done everything he had done tonight if he didn't feel anything, it just didn't make sense. Unless, he was feeling something, just like Scaramouche was.


"Tell me..."
He was waiting for Kazuha's answer so much, he wanted it to be the right answer but he was afraid that Kazuha wanted to play him once again. But just thinking about this, just imagining what that would mean, he felt his heart starting to beat faster and faster. He felt so nervous at that moment.
"Just... what are you feeling now? I really want to know, for real..."

"I don't know..." Kazuha looked down.

He took a deep breath, he felt so tense at that moment. He felt that his whole body was shaking now out of fear.
"But you... you have to feel something..."
He couldn't hide his disappointment this time, he really wanted Kazuha to tell him that he felt the same.
"You did... you kissed me first... you..."
He was stuttering a bit, he didn't want to say things aloud like that. But he couldn't keep himself from saying that...

"Scara....I have no ideia of what I feel about you"

He was feeling crushed by that. It made him wonder if everything was real or not. He still couldn't believe Kazuha didn't feel anything for him, and it was making him doubt everything that was happening between them today.
"You... you're lying, right?"
He was trying to convince himself more than Kazuha. He wanted to hear Kazuha saying that he felt something for him, he needed to hear a "yes, I feel something".

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