Childe's quest/Chapter 46

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Kazuha stopped kissing him. "Wait...does that mean you would flirt and kiss someone else?"...

"If someone else asked me to, I wouldn't think twice before kissing them."
He said this and he sounded a little bit more teasing.
"You thought you were special or something, huh? Well, you're not. I told you that the kiss meant nothing, didn't I?"
He kept kissing Kazu and he was slowly walking backwards, he stopped and he pressed his body against Kazu's body.
"I can do this with anyone."

Kazuha pushed Scara away.
"Then...if you do this with everyone I prefer not to be included in them."
He sounded sad.
"I don't wanna be someone else in your life, you know damn well I love you, I know you can't love but it still hurts me seeing that you would do this with anyone."

"Ah, yes...I see my little Kazu just can't handle sharing his Scara."
He sounded slightly amused and he looked at Kazu again.
"But if that's what you want then so be it."
He paused for a moment and he spoke in a more serious voice.
"I can't love you. But I can still like you, and I do like you a lot. So you can stop with this 'jealousy' of yours. I don't plan on doing this with anyone, because for me you're special."

"You just said I'm not special for you..."
He had a sad tone.

"What? Did you not hear when I said that for me you're special?"
He sounded slightly annoyed, but he was still looking at Kazu with a subtle sympathetic gaze.
"I can't love you, but you mean a lot to me, idiot."
His tone was softer now.
"And yes, you're special to me."
He then paused, his voice was a little bit quieter now.
"Did you expect me to love you...when I can't feel love?"

"No...I don't expect you to love someone. But tell me, would you love me if you could?"
Kazuha was looking into Scara's eyes.

For a moment everything was still. He stared at Kazu with a subtle smile on his face.
"I think I would, yes. But that's just a maybe, I don't really know. I can't feel those feelings right? But if I could, I believe I you."
"At least that's what my instincts tell me."
He looked at Kazu with a slightly embarrassed expression.

"Alright... I'm happy to know that."
Kazuha sighed.
"I'll be entering my house now, we'll see each other tomorrow."
Kazuha smiled.

"Alright then, enjoy your evening Kazu."
He went to him and he hugged Kazu tightly and for a moment he put his head on Kazu's shoulder.
"I'll see you tomorrow."
He then stepped back and he put back a small smile on his face.
"We will talk a lot more tomorrow..."
He nodded and then he put his hands on his pockets.
"See you tomorrow then, Kazu."

Kazuha smiled and entered his house.

He waved Kazu good-bye and he then turned himself around and walked away, heading to his own house.

After some time he went home, Childe knocked at Scara's door, he wanted to talk to him about business.
"Hey comrade! I'm Childe, eleventh of the eleven fatui harbingers. And I'm here for a mission actually."

He opened the door and he was a bit surprised that Childe was the one who came to speak with him.
"Oh, hello there, Childe. What mission are we talking about?"
He was still standing in the doorway. He was looking at Childe.
"Come in, please."
He motioned towards the inside of his house and he then opened the door completely.

Childe walked inside Scaramouche's house.
"So, comrade, I've heard that the fatui is losing people, we have been losing business! You're the only one who still receives the same amount of money because you're one of the strongest fatui here. Your salary is still 500.000 mora, isn't it?..."
Childe sighed.
"So, I was wondering if you could convince some people to join the Fatui, do you have any friend that would be interested?"

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