Comeback with troubles/Chapter 5

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Eventually, Scaramouche was so tired, he couldn't keep up, so he decided to go home, in his way home, he finds Kazuha.....

He didn't expect to see him, seeing someone that used to matter to him was not how he wanted to finish his day.
"... Kazuha... what are you doing here?"
He tried to act cold, like he didn't care about Kazuha, like Kazuha meant nothing to him. He avoided eye contact and waited for Kazuha's response.

"Scaramouche?!" Kazuha says that with a surprised face. "Oh well... I just returned to Inazuma."

"Yes... "
He was annoyed that Kazuha had found him, he didn't want to see him, he wanted to avoid him. But they were there now, he had no other choice but to act as he always did. He wanted to see Kazuha as a stranger, someone he had never met before.
"What a surprise..."
Just that, his response was extremely cold. He avoided eye contact with Kazuha and talked in a tone that was completely neutral and impersonal.

"Well... How have you been doing?" Kazuha was happy to see Scara again, and he was curious to see how he was.

"Very busy."
He was even colder than before, he just wanted to finish this conversation as soon as possible. He didn't want to make any comments about Kazuha's return, he didn't care about what happened to him and he didn't want his words to make it seem like he cared. He wanted to make it look like Kazuha was just a random person he had found. Scaramouche's expression didn't change at all during the whole conversation.

"Oh well, make sure to get some rest."

"I don't need rest, I can stay awake for as long as I want."
He wanted to act like he was too busy and important to sleep, he wanted Kazuha to see that he didn't need Kazuha for anything. He felt bad about being so cold to him, but he didn't want to let that show. Scaramouche was used to hiding his emotions by now, he hadn't opened up about himself in a long time. He didn't want anyone to think they could see right through him, he was better than that.

Kazuha laughs. "That matches your face, totally!"

He didn't react to Kazuha's comment, he felt a bit guilty, but he tried to hide it. He needed to be cold with Kazuha, it was the best for him.
"I don't have time to talk, I need to get back to work."
He was already leaving, he didn't want to keep the conversation going. He had no desire to talk to Kazuha, he felt like it was a waste of time.

"Oh. Then we'll talk later, good luck!" Kazuha smiled, he was happy that he could finally see Scara.

He walked away, he didn't respond to Kazuha's "good luck", he didn't want to make any promise that they would meet later and talk again. This conversation was already too much for him. He didn't care about anything that had happened to Kazuha, he had already moved on from all those things.
He was tired, mentally and physically tired. He needed to rest, but he wanted to keep working, he didn't want to stop being busy.

Scara works hard all night, while Kazuha sleeps.
[It's finally morning.]

He was still in his office, he had been working during the whole night as usual. Sleep was not something he did often, especially when it was important to get something done. He had made a new discovery during the night, his research had paid off and he felt satisfied with himself, he knew he was getting closer and closer to his goal.
"No time to rest, I need to keep working..."

Scara receives a call from Kazuha...

"... What?"
He was surprised to receive a call from Kazuha. He decided to answer it just to see what he wanted to talk about.

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