I spent the night with my rival/Chapter 21

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"Oh...well...what can I do to be yours?" He smiled....

He was confused at Kazuha's answer, he wasn't expecting that, and he didn't know what to say.
Kazuha was willing to commit himself for Scaramouche? He wanted to hear Kazuha say that he loved him, that he wanted to be with him forever, that he couldn't be without him. He knew everything was right, he just needed to hear that.
"You want to be mine? For real?" He asked, not knowing how a relationship worked besides from all his experience reading novels and stories in the library.

"Well, I wouldn't mind being yours."

Scaramouche's face lit up in a smile, he was so happy to hear Kazuha say that. He was going to kiss Kazuha, he felt that there was no other option.
He approached Kazuha and he slowly kissed him, he could feel that he hadn't done it before, he couldn't stop smiling when he thought that he was finally kissing the person he had always wanted to be with. He was going to make sure that Kazhua knew that he loved him and he wasn't going to stop until Kazuha loved him back in the same way.

"Oh well... didn't people say you don't have feelings at all?" Kazuha laughed, he wanted to piss off Scaramouche.

He broke the kiss and looked at Kazuha with a look of pure rage.
"What did you say?!"
It was a moment of pure rage coming out of his heart, he couldn't believe that Kazuha had said that.
"You... you want to annoy me by saying that I don't have feelings after everything I tried to do for you?!"
He was very angry, he couldn't understand why Kazuha would say that, he did nothing wrong to deserve that, he was trying his best to be kind for Kazuha.

"You look so cute when you're mad, darling."

"Shut up, don't call me that."
He couldn't force himself to ignore his feelings so he kissed Kazuha again, he didn't care about what Kazuha had said anymore, he just wanted to kiss him again and feel his lips.

He kissed Scara back and then he told him: "Hey, we better do this at home."

Scaramouche stopped, this wasn't what he wanted to hear... what about the one month Kazuha was supposed to spend alone in his house with him? He wanted to continue kissing Kazuha and he definitely didn't want to stop. But... what if Kazuha was only thinking about his desires right now?
Scaramouche looked at Kazuha, he could feel his face turning red the more and more he heard his words, it was so confusing... but it also made him feel happy.
And yet, he still wanted to kiss Kazuha.

"Well... I'm still not over my ex, but, I wanna spend 1 month alone with you, let's go home..." Kazuha was honest.

He was confused about Kazuha's decision, he didn't understand why he suddenly wanted to leave, they were having such a good time outside.
But at the same time he was so happy to have Kazuha at home with him that he didn't care how he got to that answer. He just didn't have the heart to question Kazuha again.
"Alright, let's go home." He put his hand out for Kazuha to hold on to it.

Kazuha blushed. He hold Scara's hand and they went home.

"Alright, I'm going to my room, Scara."

He held onto Kazuha's arm so he wouldn't move.
"No, you're not leaving, you're spending 1 month here."
He was just teasing Kazuha, but seeing how his cheeks got red made him smile. The idea of spending 1 month alone with Kazuha made him smile.

"You're so silly, I like that." Kazuha smiled as he sat in the be.

He was walking towards him until he was really close and he put both of his hands on Kazuha's cheeks.
"Kazuha, look more carefully at me."
He was waiting for the perfect moment to see if Kazuha would do it, if he would touch him back... or if he would turn around to leave the room.

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