My feelings made me collapse/Chapter 2

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[The next day]

Scaramouche was walking in the streets of Inazuma. He looked as arrogant and selfish as always, and even his face was as cold as ice. A completely different Scaramouche compared to last night.
"What a mess... why can't I control myself in front of that boy?"
Scaramouche thought about Kazuha for a moment and shook his head.
"Stop it. It was only because I was drunk..."
Then, after a few minutes of walking, he saw a familiar face.
"Oh... oh, it's you, Kazuha."

"Looks who's here, the 6th Fatui Harbinger, isn't it?" Kazuha laughs. "Hey."

"Hello... Kazuha."
Scaramouche didn't seem very friendly, but he didn't show any signs of hatred towards Kazuha either. His eyes seemed to be looking elsewhere.
"Do you want something?"

"I don't, I'm just waiting for Beidou to come to start business."

"Oh... ok."
Scaramouche didn't seem interested, he was just looking at the passing people while staying right behind Kazuha. He stayed silent for a while more before he suddenly said:
"Hey... I have a question to ask you."

"Sure, go ahead." Kazuha was kinda scared of what it might be.

Scaramouche was still standing right behind Kazuha, and now his voice was even softer than before.
"...Do you think we could... cook something else together one day?"
He seemed like he was trying to sound as if nothing unusual had happened, as if this request didn't mean anything at all. He kept looking straight in front of him, avoiding eye contact.

"Why do you want that?" Kazuha didn't seem too comfortable about it, he was scared that Scara could have been feeling something for him.

Scaramouche was quiet for a few moments, his voice was very soft and low, like he was making a request he was embarrassed to make.
"I... I liked... how I felt yesterday..."
He sighed and then he raised his voice slightly.
"Please, it would just be a one time thing, I feel like I need to see you again... we can go back to being enemy again, I don't mind, but..."
Scaramouche's voice suddenly became very soft again.
"...Can we cook something, one more time?"

"As long as you drop that act of yours, we can."

Scaramouche's face remained as cold as ever. He just nodded and then looked straight ahead. He seemed to not want to talk about this anymore, so he started to speak about something completely different.
"So, where is Beidou?"
It's as if he wanted to forget about everything that they've just talked about. Scaramouche looked back at Kazuha while he spoke, it's hard to say if this was to seem friendly, or rather to show that he was still in control.

"She's coming, she was in Liyue taking people to travel to Inazuma."

Scaramouche seemed curious and interested.
"She travels with real ships? Not like Watatsumi's... boats?"
He had a smirk on his face, it seems this topic was more interesting for him.
"Do you know if I can travel with you guys too? I would love to go to Liyue for a few days, I'm curious to see the city..."

"That's something you should ask Beidou, she's the one that leads the boat."

"You're right."
Scaramouche gave Kazuha a smile, it might have even looked like a real smile because the atmosphere between them was more relaxed than usual while they were talking about the ships to Liyue.

Then, Scaramouche turned to leave, but before he did, he turned towards Kazuha again. His expression changed once again, returning to his usual self.
"Oh, wait, Kazuha. I almost forgot."
He looked a bit upset now.
"I hate nice people."

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