I don't feel anything "at all"/Chapter 14

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After Scaramouche finishes his work, he decided to become a rude person to Kazuha, offending him, and not caring much, he tought that if he was like that, Kazuha would finally give up on being kind with him.
He had a new mission now that he was done working for the day: he wanted to be as cold and cruel as he could to Kazuha, he wanted to drive him away. It was a bit contradictory because he had started to worry about Kazuha's feeling a bit just earlier, but now he was back to his cold and emotionless mode. There was something wrong with him, and that something wasn't just the fact that he was a puppet.
He went straight to Kazuha's house, he knocked on the door in a very confident way, like he had something really important to say.

Kazuha took a little bit to open the door, his leg was still hurting, however after some minutes he opens it.
"Oh, hey Scara." Kazuha wasn't expecting Scaramouche to be there.
Even tough, at this whole time, Kazuha has also decided to change his attitudes toward Scaramouche, he would now be more kind and less agressive.

He looked a bit annoyed at Kazuha when he opened the door.
"What do you want? And why are you here?"
The tone of his voice was completely different than before, right now he sounded cold and distant once again, he didn't even say hello to Kazuha, he just started talking immediately.
"Your leg still hurts, right?"
He asked that in a very direct and serious way, it was like all his worries about Kazuha before had never happened.

"Well, you just knocked at the door of my house so I'm clearly the one that should be asking you that... My leg still hurts but it's much better, thank you."

"Don't mention it, your leg hurting doesn't concern me."
He sounded so cold, it was like he forgot what he had felt just earlier. He was just following the path of being a perfect puppet again, being rude and cold towards Kazuha just because he was his enemy.
"Now answer my question, why are you here?"

"Oh? I'm at my house?" Kazuha was confused, he didn't knew what Scara was trying to say by that.

"Do you seriously have trouble understanding things?! I'm asking why you opened the door for me, why did you let me in your home?"
His face looked full of annoyance by that moment.
"Do you even remember the last time we talked? Do you even remember that I'm your enemy?"

"Oh...well, I wasn't sure that it was you who knocked, it may have been any other person, and maybe you needed something so I opened it."

"I don't need anything from you!"
He sounded so angry right now, he didn't even want to listen to any of Kazuha's excuses, he just wanted him to understand that he didn't want to be with him at all.
"Did you forget everything that we said to each other?"
He didn't give Kazuha a chance to say anything, he just kept talking and getting more and more upset.
"Why do you even care so much?!"
This got him so mad, he just wanted to make Kazuha understand how annoyed he was.

"I mean, you're a person, I can't help but care." Kazuha was clearly sad by Scara's words, but he still cared.

He couldn't believe what Kazuha had just said to him, he didn't want to accept that.
"What is this excuse? I'm not any random person, I'm your enemy, you should hate me!"
Kazuha started to really upset him, he wanted him to finally understand that he didn't want the boy to be nice to him.
"I don't need you to care about me! Now get this straight in your head... you just need to leave me alone!"

"Scaramouche, I understand how you feel. I am not trying to force you to care for me, but I cannot deny that I care for you. You are important to me, and I believe my feelings for you are genuine. If you will let me, please allow me to be there with you in this difficult time that you're facing..."

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