Backstabber/Chapter 38

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Kazuha hugged him.
"Thank you so much."

It was the perfect chance for Scaramouche to stab him with a knife and complete his task, but, would he really do it?...

Scaramouche felt uncomfortable when he was suddenly hugged by Kazuha but he tried not to think too much about it.
He just smiled and returned the hug.
"You're very strange, you know?"

He put all his emotions aside and focused on his mission. He would finish the job, he needed to go back to Inazuma and report to the Doctor that the job was done. He couldn't delay this anymore, he had spent too much time talking to Kazuha, what if the Doctor found out? That could be very bad for him.
He took the knife.
"I'm sorry, Kazuha. This is a mission. Nothing personal."
He was ready to stab Kazuha in the back, he was just doing what his boss had ordered to do.

Scaramouche stabbed Kazuha in the back with his knife.

Kazuha suddenly felt something pierce through his back, there was no pain at first but his eyes opened wide from the shock. He had no time to cry out as he felt something cold and wet against his back and neck.
He turned his head to see what it was and he realized he saw the knife that Scaramouche had stabbed him with. He couldn't move any more, as if his body had ceased to exist and he was only a pair of eyes.
He felt scared, he couldn't say a word.

Kazuha was coughing, almost crying, and he felt into the ground. "S-Scara?... I can't believe th-" Kazuha was coughing even more, and he looked at Scaramouche as tears fell from his eyes.

Scaramouche looked at him, he felt no emotion for him now, that mission had worked, he felt nothing when he looked at Kazuha. There was no sadness, no empathy, no pity, it was done.
He looked at the body that he had just killed and smiled, the Doctor would be pleased with what he had done.
He turned around and left before Kazuha died, he wanted to leave this place now. It was time for him to return to Inazuma and report that the mission was completed.

Scaramouche went to Inazuma and reported that the mission was done to Dottore.
Dottore then smiled with a surprised face and said:
"I knew I could count on you...but still, you won't get your emotions back, I just wanted you to kill him so there would be no troubles with that bastard anymore." Dottore laughed evilly.

Scaramouche listened to him and laughed too.
"I don't need my emotions back, they always made my life more difficult. This way I can serve the Tsaritsa in a more effective way. I couldn't care less about what happens with this Kazuha, I just needed to do my job."
He looked at Dottore in the eyes, trying to see if he was proud of what he had done.
"You look pleased, Dottore. Do you think I fulfilled my role well?"

"Completely, I'm proud of you, you're a good Fatui, a good puppet." Dottore smiled...

A smile of satisfaction appeared on his face.
"It's a good thing that I killed this Kazuha. He was completely useless, he couldn't even be considered a threat against the Fatui organization. It's all better this way."
He paused for a moment.
"If you want to dispose of this body I can handle it, I don't want you to have any problems with the Shogunate. I don't want them to know anything about their precious Kazuha."

"Oh yes, if you would like to. But no one would care if he died tough, you can now go to your office to keep working."

"I understand, Doctor. Thank you for your orders, I will go to my office and work there like a good puppet should."
He bowed before the Doctor to show his respect and gratitude, he would never disobey the Doctor. He wouldn't question his decisions, he just wanted to follow the orders correctly. That's what would make him a good Fatui.

"Yes, go there and make sure to make lots of money."
Dottore had more thoughts of missions in his mind, so he couldn't say more.

"Yes, I will."
He bowed and left Dottore's office, he was ready to work to fulfill the Doctor's orders.
He walked to his office and sat down, he would start working and try to get lots of money to prove his loyalty. It wasn't about himself, he needed to make the Doctor and the Fatui organization proud of him, that was the only thing he was good for.

Meanwhile, Dottore was talking to another Fatui giving them different tasks, some to kill monsters and others to discover new mysteries about the Abyss to inform Tsaritsa. They were all working so hard to be the most powerful organization in all Teyvat. Scaramouche was discovering more information of Teyvat, so he could know what he needed to make the Fatui powerful.

He studied and worked in his office, he was focused on finishing his tasks and not failing with his orders. He wanted to make the Doctor proud, he wanted to prove that he was a good Fatui. Scaramouche worked for hours, without stopping. He wasn't a fan of work but he knew he had to follow these rules and do what he was ordered to.
At some point he felt as if the office walls were closing and moving around him, he was very tired. He took a deep breath and kept working, he couldn't stop. He needed to work hard.

He was working so much, he eventually ended up sleeping in the desk of his office, but he had done many work and made a lot of mora just in this night. The Fatui didn't mind that he was sleeping, after all, he worked so hard and he deserved some resting.
As the night went by, there seemed to be footsteps outside the Fatui Organization, the guards weren't there today, so anyone could enter the Organization if the Fatui didn't notice.
Dottore was taking a rest in his office too, so he didn't hear the person walking, the person kept walking, Scaramouche heard some knocks at the door of his office, he was still sleeping, but he woke up as soon as he heard the knocks.
Scaramouche opened the door after hearing the knocks, and....

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