Day of the Festival/Chapter 33

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[The next day]...

Kazuha knocked at Scara's door.
"Knock knock... Guess who's where!" Kazuha was wearing festive clothes, it was a kimono.

He opened the door and saw Kazuha.
"Kazuha! You look beautiful with that kimono! Where did you get it?"
He was looking in awe at Kazuha's beauty, he was definitely attracted to him but he wanted to make sure that Kazuha wasn't someone who would play with his feelings.
"You want to go to the festival together?"

"Oh well, thank you! Yeah sure, it's already all set up, tonight there will be fireworks and I want you to go with me!" Kazuha smiled.

He laughed loudly at his own comeback, he was so immature and he enjoyed that. He was really attracted to Kazuha but he was still a little bit confused. Could he actually have a relationship with him? What would that even mean?
"Of course I'll go with you, you stupid mortal. As long as you'll shut up and don't talk to me."
He sounded so cocky but at the same time he looked so happy, he was really glad to be spending more time with Kazuha.

Kazuha laughed. "Alright, my favourite Fatui. Let's go for buy some things and enjoy the day, cause seeing the fireworks at night will be so good!"

He wanted to argue with Kazuha but he couldn't even if he tried. And he wanted to see Kazuha's smile again, that smile made his heart feel like it was about to melt.
"Yeah, ok, lead the way. We'll enjoy this day and I hope you'll keep quiet, I don't need you to talk to me, mortal."
He was trying so hard to sound annoyed by Kazuha but his voice was still full of admiration and he liked to call Kazuha "mortal" in an ironic way.

Kazuha smiled while he looked at Scara. "Alright, can you hold my hand so I feel safe?!" Kazuha was half joking and half serious.

He wasn't able to think straight right now. Kazuha was so close to him, his hand and his... his everything. He looked amazing and he was really cute at the same time. Was he really trying to hold his hand?
"Hold your own hand, I'm not your mother!"
He was trying so hard to be indifferent to the idea of holding Kazuha's hand, but he was too attracted to him to think of something clever.

Kazuha made him a sad face. "Pretty please!! It would make me so happy!"

He could only think about that beautiful smile, it would make him happy too.
"Okay... but only because I want to please you, stupid mortal."
He was still trying to sound mad at Kazuha but he felt extremely lucky to be able to hold his hand...

Kazuha smiled and gave his hand to Scara so he could hold. "Yay! Thank you so much!"

"Shut up!"
He was really nervous while holding hands with Kazuha it felt so surreal, like he was in a dream and he didn't want to wake up.
"I'm glad you're happy, now let's go to the festival and eat those sweet dango you were talking about."

They went outside, and everything was so beautiful, he couldn't even believe that Kazuha decorated it all.

"Scara! Scara! Look, I did this all, do you like it?!" Kazuha's eyes shone as he smiled.

"You did this?"
He looked amazed and happy as he saw the decorations, he really thought Kazuha was a talented artist.
"Kazuha... this is incredible, the sky looks so beautiful, and the cherry blossom trees. You're really talented!"
He was trying to sound impressed by Kazuha's skills, but he also really really meant it, the atmosphere was perfect to spend a fun time with him.

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