A bet with Dottore/Chapter 55

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Childe and Kazuha were playing at the office, meanwhile, Scaramouche arrived at Dottore's office and knocked at his door...

Dottore opened the door as he saw Scara, he was visibly shocked. It wasn't normal for Scaramouche to just go to his office without warning, he didn't understand what he wanted from him.
"Scaramouche, to what do I owe the pleasure?"
Dottore tried to hide his surprise, and he had an annoyed expression on his face, this couldn't be good.
"Is there something you want from me?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact there is. You're a reasonable person, right?"
Scara was trying to be very nice to Dottore, he needed to act like that if he wanted his plan to work.
"I think we can come to an agreement, I'd like you to leave Kazuha alone."
He was still keeping his face calm, but he was so nervous and scared, he wasn't actually sure if Dottore would listen to him, and if this whole plan didn't work, they didn't have a backup idea.

Dottore looked mad after hearing that.
"Excuse me? Why would I do such thing? I'm not going to leave him alone just because you asked to. He is going to be dead." He had an insane voice while saying that.

"Then I'll give you a good reason."
Scara smiled and brought his hand to the bag he had on his waist, that was enough to scare Dottore into thinking that he got something really valuable.
"You know that I'm the richest person in Teyvat, right? I could give you anything you wish for, if you give me Kazuha's life."
He hoped he would consider it.
"Please, let him live, he doesn't deserve to die. What did he ever do to you?"

Dottore crossed his arms and said with a loud voice. "No money can buy me! I'm gonna kill him anyways no matter how much you try to pay."
Dottore pushed Scara, he seemed to be very annoyed, in fact, he was exploding already.
"He stabbed me in the neck and in the chest, he tought he was stronger than me at the point of fighting! It is enough, and you, don't you dare interfere in this. And don't you dare trying to do stupid plans to stop me, you know Raiden Shogun can control you, so you better stay quiet, puppet." Dottore seemed very serious and angry.

"Dottore, please, just reconsider what you're about to do, Kazuha's life is more important than your feelings or your pride."
Scara was getting frustrated, he wanted to be able to convince him, but he couldn't. The Doctor was mad and he didn't seem like he was going to change his mind.
"I'll do anything you want, anything to protect Kazu, understand me?"
His voice was getting more anxious and desperate, he was trying to make him see that hurting Kazuha was not the right thing to do.

Dottore started laughing like crazy. "You really think you can convince me? I already said, no one will change my ideas, I'm gonna kill him and that's it."
Dottore crossed his arms and had an angry voice. He seemed to hate the idea of Scaramouche trying to convince him.
"Don't you try saving your stupid boyfriend, you will also suffer if you do."

"Dottore, listen to me for a moment, I can offer you something you can't refuse."
He was hoping Dottore would notice his words, he needed to convince him.
"I have an idea. Let's settle this matter in a duel, you and me. If I win I'll save Kazuha's life. If I lose, do whatever you want with him, but I want the chance to settle this."
His tone was calm yet firm, he knew what he was doing, he had given Dottore some food for thought.

Dottore laughed. "Alright, bet. I already know I'm going to win so I have no trouble in accepting this."
Dottore yelled: "OPEN THE ARENA AND BRING ALL THE FATUI THERE! Including Kazuha...so he can watch this, because he has only 2 weeks to live before I kill him.." He laughed.

Scara knew that Dottore was cocky, but that was alright, he was going to enjoy seeing him eat his words.
He got ready for the duel with the help of his mask, he was anxious about how the fight would go, but he felt confident. He knew that he could win, but he kept quiet about those thoughts, he would just have to show it to Dottore.
The Doctor laughed, and then he gave the order to open the arena, Scaramouche smiled.
"I'm looking forward to this, please don't disappoint me Dottore."

Kazuha has heard about the fight and he went to see, all the fatui were already there. When he saw Scara and Dottore preparing to fight, he was surprised.
"Scara! Darling, what's happening here?!" He was surprised.

"Don't worry, my love, this duel is about to show you my true power, I can do this. If I lose, Dottore will hurt you, but I won't let that happen, I won't fail no matter what."
He then faced Dottore, who was smiling and getting his weapon ready, he wanted to prove that he was superior to Scara.
There was no time to waste, he couldn't afford to lose, the fate of his life and Kazuha's life was in this duel, he was ready to start fighting.

Kazuha was with Childe and they both seemed very afraid of it. There was no way Scara could beat Dottore! Scaramouche is strong, but Dottore is much more, he was lucky that he was immortal, otherwise, Dottore would've killed Scara.

Dottore laughed. "Ready to fight, puppet? You're lucky that you're immortal, you can only feel pain and suffering, otherwise I would've killed you."

"Yes, Dottore, I'm ready."
Scara sounded confident. He knew this duel was going to be hard, maybe even harder than anything else he ever did, but he was ready to fight.
"Let's see who wins, shall we?"
He was starting the fight, his face showed no signs of fear, he was calm and composed, even if he was very nervous and scared, he couldn't let the Doctor notice that. The duel had begun...

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