Dottore's revenge/Chapter 61

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But he never expected the storm of things that he would see at the Fatui Headquarters later that day...

Later that day, Scaramouche was also called to go to the Fatui headquarters, and it didn't seem to be for a good reason.
Kazuha was there, with Dottore and Raiden. They seemed to be talking to Kazuha with a weapon behind their back, it was a whole fighting Arena and it made Scaramouche very surprised.

Raiden noticed that Scaramouche was approaching them, so she went closer to him and said.
"No puppets allowed, do not interfere with this."

"Huh? But what is this about?"
Scara looked confused as he was walking towards them, and after finishing his sentence he stopped in front of Kazuha, Raiden and Dottore. Raiden was talking to Kazuha but Scaramouche had no idea of what they were going to do.
"I am not allowed to interfere then?"
His voice was soft and calm and he was looking at them confused but still intrigued to know the reason behind why they had decided to talk to Kazuha on a fighting arena like that.

Raiden looked at Scaramouche with a mad expression.
"I said you to not interfere! I didn't create you to be disrespectful with me."
She sounded very annoyed at him.

"Oh? And what exactly were you planning to do to Kazuha?"
He was smiling but his eyes were wide open in surprise. He was genuinely asking for an answer while standing in front of Kazuha and Raiden.
"Were you really going to put my beloved Kazuha on a fighting arena? Just for fun? For nothing at all?"
His smile was still showing affection for Kazuha but it was hard to miss how angry he also sounded.

Raiden slapped Scaramouche in anger. "Shut up, stop asking questions. It doesn't matter, leave, this is not about you."
Raiden had an annoyed expression and it was easy to realize it.

"Yes, it's not about me, but it's about my Kazuha. I do not know what you're planning to do with him..."
He sounded more angry now and even his smile was gone. He looked down for a moment and then he looked at Raiden without blinking or looking nervous.
"Raiden, please answer me and tell me why are you putting Kazuha on that fighting arena..."
He was waiting for Raiden answer in complete silence.

Raiden sighed. "You'll see why by your own eyes, now go away."

"No, I will not go away, that's not the answer I want to get. I need to know what is going to happen to Kazuha. Why are you putting him over there? Answer me."
He was still standing in front of them, he wasn't moving away or going anywhere, he needed a straight answer to everything.

Dottore came closer to Scaramouche and pushed him outside the Arena.
"Childe, don't let that puppet go anywhere."
Dottore seemed angry.

Childe looked at Scaramouche with a worried expression and then looked at Dottore. "Alright."
Childe then whispered to Scara: "I'll tell you everything that's happening, just let's go away of Dottore otherwise he kills me."

"Thanks... Childe..."
He sighed and stepped away from the arena.
"Now... Did you want to tell me what's going to happen there with Kazuha...?"
He looked at Childe while saying this, it was obvious that he was anxious to go back to the arena and see, but his curiosity was starting to get too strong. He had no idea about what Raiden was planning to do with Kazuha but as he imagined what it could be, he felt anger and hatred towards Raiden.

Childe sighed, he look worried.
"Dottore wants to do another duel with Kazuha, and the loser dies. It's kinda obvious that Kazuha won't be able to manage it...but still." He took a deep breath.
"Raiden is the one that controls it all, and she doesn't allow anyone to enter the Arena, otherwise there will be consequences."

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