I stole the Dendro Gnosis/Chapter 26

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Scaramouche now defeated every Monster in his way, he explored every place of Sumeru so he got to know the place better. He liked Sumeru, it seemed to be a beautiful place, and he wouldn't mind spending time there, even so, it was hard for him to get along with people.
Then, he tried to get closer to the people there, so he could get their trust and betray then at the end, stealing the Dendro Gnosis. He needed to earn Nahida's trust, and somehow, work at the place she was, so he could steal the Gnosis.
It was a hard quest, but Scara would do it.
He came up to Tighnari, to ask him some informations of the Dendro Archon, Nahida.

"Tighnari, you work under the god of Wisdom, right?"
He looked calm and collected as he approached Tighnari, he was trying to look like a trustworthy person.
"Do you know Nahida? Can you take me to her? I need to talk to her for a moment."
He hoped that Tighnari would believe him and wouldn't realize that he had come here only to get the Gnosis.
He was a little bit nervous to be so close to his goal again.

"Hello, welcome to Sumeru! May I ask what's your name first of all?"
Scaramouche needed to use a fake name, if Tighnari had ever heard that Scara killed people, he would never let him go talk to Nahida, so Scaramouche invented a fake name and identity.

"Ah, me? Let's see... I don't have a name at the moment..."
He looked around and decided to use a common name, that way he could remember it.
"Call me... John, yes, a boring name but at least I won't forget it!"
He faked a smile with his cold expression.
"Now, can you take me to Nahida? I'm here to work for her as well, I want to show her my abilities."
He knew it was a lie, but it was the best excuse he could think of.

"Oh well, sure I can. Follow me."

Scaramouche needed to talk to Nahida and know more about her and her fighting abilities, so once he got to Nahida, he talked about fight with her, and offered to work for Nahida so he could see her fighting skills. And once he would know every of her attack...once he would know everything about her, he would steal the Gnosis, and if she tries to stop him, he would obviously fight her back, because he would've know everything about her fighting skills.

"Thank you."
He followed Tighnari, he was excited because he was very close to getting what he wanted. He couldn't wait to know everything about Nahida's power.
He just had to keep the facade a little longer, he knew he would be able to do that.

Finally, they arrived.
"This is the place? You work here?"
He said as he looked around and analyzed the surroundings, he needed to find the best way to get close to Nahida and take the Gnosis from her.

"Yes, she must be here in some minutes, I'll leave so you can talk better to her... See you around, John."

"Alright then, thank you, Tighnari."
He put a smile on his face as Tighnari went away. He was going to have to wait a couple of minutes until Nahida appeared.
Maybe he could use that time to gather information about her powers and weaknesses. He would have to be patient.
He sat down and took in a deep breath, he would need all the patience he had.

Once he would fight Nahida, he would reveal his real identity so everyone could be shocked and appreciate the great villain that Scara was...

Nahida appeared, she seemed to be a little child but still, she was a god.
"Oh, hello there. Who are you exactly? Is there some I can help as the God of Wisdom?"

"Hello, Nahida."
He looked at her for a moment before deciding what to say next.
"My name is John, I have come from far away to seek your guidance."
He tried to sound humble so that Nahida would give him a chance.
"I have heard of your great wisdom and I wish to work with you. I'm sure that I can learn a lot from you and be of great help."
He wanted to earn Nahida's trust, so that he could get close to the Gnosis and steal it from her.

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