Rest, Scaramouche/Chapter 58

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After some time, Scaramouche was having a bad nightmare, it didn't seem to be good...

"Kazuha... don't abandon me... help me..."
He was still unconscious, he was making a lot of noise now. Whatever he was dreaming was probably something scary, he didn't even understand what his dream meant.
"Don't leave me alone, Kazuha..."
His voice was becoming more and more desperate, he was trying to get Kazuha's attention even while he was asleep.

Kazuha was wondering about what Scaramouche was dreaming. "Scara? I'm right here." He was worried.

"Don't leave me alone... Kazuha... Don't go..."
He was repeating the same thing over and over right now. It was like a nightmare he couldn't break free from, his voice was getting a little panicked. He was still asleep, his eyes remained closed.
He just wanted Kazuha to be with him.

Kazuha carresed Scara's hair. "My love, wake up..." He said that with a calm and worried voice.

"Kazuha... I need you... I feel so lonely..."
He was starting to panic in his dream, he was probably seeing some kind of vision of what would have happened if Kazuha left him.
He kept talking in his sleep, it was getting loud now.
"Don't go Kazuha... Don't leave me alone... Please... Please... Please!!!"
He was getting more and more desperate.

Kazuha took Scara by his waist and put him on his lap. Then he carresed his cheeks. "My love, shhhh... I'm here." Kazuha had a calm voice and carresed his hair.

"Kazuha... Please don't go, what am I supposed to do without you...? I need you... I can't be alone..."
He kept talking about Kazuha leaving him and he was starting to sound stressed, he was getting a little sweaty too.
His breathing was irregular and he wasn't saying anything else right now. He was just begging.

Kazuha got his face closer to Scara's, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Darling, I'm here with you, I won't go away, calm down my love..." He put his arms around him and carresed Scara's back.

He was starting to sound calm, it was like he was waking up while dreaming. His head moved a little, he was starting to open his eyes, and when he saw Kazuha's face, he felt relieved.
His words were hoarse, he was a little bit confused right now.
"Is... That really you, Kazuha?"

Kazuha chuckled and carresed his hair. "Yes my love, are you okay?"

"Kazuha... Is... This really you?"
He looked at him again, he was still confused but he was slowly starting to understand that he wasn't dreaming anymore.
He felt so relieved that he was with Kazuha in his room, he felt like he was back in reality.
"Kazuha... I want to hold you."
He was still half asleep, he just wanted to cuddle with him.

Kazuha put Scara in a more comfortable position in his lap and put his arms around him.

That's exactly what he wanted... He wanted to feel Kazuha's arms surround him, it made him feel safe.
He pulled Kazuha a little closer and he put his head on Kazuha's chest, his body felt a little more relaxed now.
His voice was a little sleepy, he was calming down after experiencing that nightmare.
"Just hold me, I want to feel your warmth."
He gave Kazuha a little kiss on the cheek.

Kazuha kissed him. "My love, what were you dreaming about?"

"It... It was a horrible nightmare... I think I saw what would happen if you abandoned me... You don't know how happy I am that I woke up from that nightmare..."
He was still feeling sleepy, he kissed Kazuha's cheek back and he nuzzled his head on Kazuha's chest again.
"Don't leave me alone, Kazuha. I don't want you to leave, ever."

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