I'm in love with you/Chapter 10

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"Oh Scara, I have no time for joking around, what is it?" Every second that passed, Kazuha was getting more and more curious....

He took a deep breath and he said those words very seriously, he wanted to say something that mattered to him and he wanted to say it right now.
"...I'm in love with you, Kazuha."

Immediately after that he turned away from Kazuha, his face was beet red and he was looking at the floor once again, he was trying not to be too nervous, he was trying to be brave right now and say everything that he wanted. To say how he felt about Kazuha, he needed to say it now.

"O-oh...you're still in love with me after 2 rejections?" Kazuha was surprised.

He looked at Kazuha again at this point, he sounded a little more confident now.
"... I've always been in love with you. There is nothing that could make me change my mind, Kazuha."
He was now trying not to look away from Kazuha again, his face was still red but he wanted Kazuha to see his eyes right now. He was trying to act mature and honest at this moment.
"I won't take my words back, I love you."
He said that with his full heart.

"Why...why do you feel that for me? Why me?" Kazuha had no reaction.

"Because you understand me, Kazuha."
He still was looking at Kazuha when he said those words, there was something about Kazuha that... that made him feel so calm, so happy and so peaceful. He sounded so calm and so honest too, he wasn't even trying to impress Kazuha anymore, he was just saying all those words because he meant it.
"No one else understands me like you do, I feel... I..."
He was thinking about something at this point, he was sure he wanted to say his thoughts to Kazuha.

Kazuha had no reaction at all, he just stood there completely in shock, with no words at all.

He kept staring at Kazuha for a moment, he wanted to see some reaction. He was so happy and so nervous at the same time, he wanted to see how Kazuha would react to the truth but... Kazuha was as calm as always, this was a bit unsettling, he had to do something, anything.
At that moment he thought about one of the ways to make Kazuha react, to have any kind of reaction.
There was a big grin in his voice and it was obvious that he was about to annoy him.

"...Uh?? Yes? What is it?" Kazuha was still in shock.

"You are..."
He paused for a moment, he really needed this, Kazuha had to react right now, he... he really needed it.
"... Stupid! Oh, and stubborn. You are the stupidest person in the whole world."
He said that with a huge grin on his face, he wanted to see Kazuha reacting, he had to see those emotions in his eyes now, he had to see anything.

"Oh you little son of a..." Kazuha gets mad, very mad. "I'm going to kill you!"

He got exactly the reaction that he wanted, Kazuha was finally showing his emotions in front of him, he looked so mad that Scaramouche was actually pleased.
"You know what?"
He looked at Kazuha, his eyes weren't staring at the ground at this point but right at Kazuha's face, he was feeling so happy right now that this felt like the best moment in his life.
"I would love to see you try to kill me."
He said that with such a cheeky and smug face.

"Oh so you enjoy challenging death in a different way huh?!" Kazuha had anger in his eyes.

"You said that I'm stupid and stubborn, right?"
He looked at Kazuha, he was feeling so happy right now, Kazuha was showing a lot of emotions to him.
"Well... I'm not stupid at all! I would enjoy if you... if you gave me a challenge."
He sounded a bit more calm now, he was enjoying this side of Kazuha that he never thought was possible.
He smiled at Kazuha in a mischievous way.
"So, you want to try and kill me still?"

"If it's like that, then, I challenge you to a duel with me, it's not like I'm afraid of a little Fatui anyways! I know, I'm not into fighting, but you make me so mad I can't even take it!" Kazuha was about to explode, again. He wanted to fight against Scaramouche, he didn't even feel scared at all.

He sounded surprised at that, a duel? A fight? With Kazuha? That would be so much fun!
"I accept your duel, Kazuha."
He looked at him with a huge grin on his face, it was the first time that he looked forward to a fight so much.

"Then, let's go outside, if you're really not afraid!" Kazuha was confident, mad...

He got up, he was confident as well, he knew that a duel with Kazuha would be amazing!
"Let's go then."
He looked at Kazuha once more before heading outside, he was ready for the battle and he felt that Kazuha was ready and confident to face him.

They went outside, prepared the weapons...

He looked at Kazuha, he was ready for that duel, he had a bit of an idea of what duel with Kazuha would be like and he was so happy about it. He was ready to experience it.
He went through some different poses with his sword in his hands as he waited for Kazuha to be ready, his eyes were full of anticipation and his heart beat in his chest very fast, he was excited for the fight yet he was calm and ready for it.

Kazuha untied his hair, his hair was blowing in the wind, looking very beautiful.
Kazuha sighed.

Scara was amazed by the sight of Kazuha and his beauty, the wind was blowing and it made Kazuha even more beautiful. He admired Kazuha and his appearance for a moment and then he smiled.
He was still waiting for the fight to start but at this point he didn't bother with waiting, he needed to see how Kazuha fought and he needed to fight himself. He had been waiting for this moment since he met Kazuha.
"Are you... ready?"
He said that with a smug grin on his face that made it obvious how much he was anticipating this battle.

"I've never been so ready in my whole life."
Kazuha said that with a serious and cold tone, holding his sword in a position, waiting to attack when the fight starts.

He looked at Kazuha for a moment as they were both in a position, ready for this fight to start. After a moment he smiled, he didn't want to be the one to attack first, he wanted to see Kazuha act first, see his true skills, he wanted to learn about Kazuha and this duel would give him the opportunity to do so.
"Well... do it. Why don't you attack me first, Kazuha?"
He waited for a moment for Kazuha to attack him, his face was still cocky as ever....

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