Kazuha's confession/Chapter 29

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"Are you ready for the festival?"...
"Yes." Kazuha kept decorating the festival. "It's tomorrow, I can't wait!"

He looked at Kazuha, he seemed to be enjoying his work, it was nice seeing him like that. But then, he noticed something that caught his attention, Klee was getting closer to Kazuha again, with her hand opened, it looked like she wanted to hug him again.
"Oh no, she's approaching you again..."
He watched the situation, it was impossible for him not to notice, Klee was too close to Kazuha, it's like she still didn't understand what he had said before, maybe she was even asking him for a hug again?

Kazuha noticed Klee and talked to her:
"Look, Klee, please don't take Kazuha to the wrong side okay?"

Klee nodded. "Okay!"

Kazuha sighed. "Kazuha can't hug you or be in physical contact with you anymore, okay? People may get the wrong idea, when you grow up you'll understand."

Klee was confused. "Oh...okay, but..."

"And also because my boyfriend is kinda jealous." Kazuha laughed a little bit as he joked.

Scara was watching the whole situation, he had heard what Kazuha said to Klee and he felt a bit shocked by his last sentence.
"Boyfriend? Kazuha, you have no idea how dangerous words like that can be. You don't joke about things like this."
Then, he felt bad for Klee again, she was still confused but she would have to understand that she couldn't hug Kazuha like that.
"Look, Klee... People always get things wrong, they could think things that aren't true..." He started sounding a bit nicer with her.
"So please, don't"

Klee nodded. "Alright, Klee understands! But are you guys dating or not?"

Kazuha was just laughing. "Yes, he is my boyfriend."

He suddenly turned towards Kazuha, he thought that he had heard him wrong so he wanted to clarify everything again.
"Boyfriend? You really meant that?"
He said it with a serious tone again, it was impossible for him to understand if Kazuha was just joking or not.

"Oh no! Little Fatui is mad at me!" Kazuha was joking around as he laughed.

He ignored Kazuha's joke, it was impossible for him to laugh when he was feeling like this.
"I'm serious, Kazuha. What did you just tell Klee?"
He was feeling angrier now since he couldn't understand why Kazuha thought that this was all a joke.

Kazuha laughed so hard. "That you're my boyfriend."

The smile disappeared from Scaramouche's face instantly after hearing this.
He was now sounding very annoyed at Kazuha, he wanted an explanation and he wanted it now
"Why would you tell Klee that?"
He was holding back his anger as much as he could.

Kazuha chuckled. "Calm down, I was joking."

He was getting even angrier now after hearing the same sentence from Kazuha all the time, "Calm down, it was just a joke."
"Why should I be calm?! Do you actually think I find this funny?"
He looked at Kazuha with anger, this situation was getting out of control and he needed to say those words.
"Let me tell you something, it's not funny."
His voice was really loud now, and Klee was still watching them from a distance, she was more confused than ever now.

"Ahahaha, oh god seeing you mad is perfection!" Kazuha laughed.

He felt like he was about to lose control of himself. He was so angry that it was impossible for him to keep his cool, he felt like he was seeing red now. He couldn't be nice anymore with Kazuha and it was time for him to realize that he was messing up big time.
"That's enough!"
He didn't want to scream at Kazuha because he knew that wouldn't really help. But he could still make a point.
"Stop joking right now, this is serious."
He waited for Kazuha's response.

I can't love [Kazuscara]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang