Bad news/Chapter 54

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He took the phone and held it against his ear.
"Scaramouche speaking."

"Scaramouche, I have bad news for you." The voice was unrecognizable at first.

"Who is it? What the hell do they want with me?"
He was worried now, what could be happening? Was it the Fatui? Those idiots wanted to punish him for what had happened in Sumeru? He wouldn't let that happen.
"What kind of bad news are you talking about?" He tried to sound calmer, but he looked tense while he waited for the answer...

"Comrade! It's me Childe, how did you not recognize me? Well... I can talk about it better if you open that fucking door of your office!" Childe sounded amused, he wanted to scare Scaramouche by making an unrecognizable voice.

"Ah! So it was you, I should have guessed it."
He tried to sound annoyed, but he felt a little amused after discovering that it was Childe, he was expecting something more serious. Still, he couldn't show Kazuha sitting on his lap, it would only make everything more uncomfortable.
"I won't open this door. Tell me what you want."

"Open this fucking door, it's locked by key!" Childe was punching the door, it did loud noises and Scara could see the door being punched. "Man, I need to tell you this face-to-face, open this shit!"

"Fine, fine, I'll open the door! Just stop making noise."
He walked over to the door, he was still blushing but he tried to hide the fact that Kazuha was on his lap. He didn't want Childe to see everything after all, and he was hoping he wouldn't notice his lover. He looked ready to have a serious talk with Childe, whatever he wanted to tell him, it wouldn't be good news.

Kazuha was now sitting at Scara's chair and said: "Wait don't open yet! What would he think after seeing me locked with you in your office?!"

"Kazuha, you can't stay here! I need to talk to Childe alone. It won't take long, I promise."
He looked at Kazuha with pleading eyes, he needed to take a step out of the room so he could speak to Childe, Kazuha couldn't hear what they were going to talk about.
"Please, trust me."

Kazuha sighed. "Alright."

Childe sneaked into Scara's office after Scara unlocked the door and saw Kazuha, then, he immediately looked at Scaramouche. "Woah comrade, you were locked in a room with him? What were you guys doing?!" Childe sounded curious.

"Childe, we were... Uh... Talking about some work related stuff."
He looked at Kazuha desperately, he could already feel his boyfriend's face getting red with embarrassment after Childe's question. He hoped that Childe wouldn't ask anything else.
"Childe, we need to talk about something serious, it's important...right?"
He tried to sound serious, but seeing Kazuha blushing on the other side of the room was still a distraction.

Childe sighed with a bored face. "Yeah whatever I know you guys were probably kissing or something more..." He laughed.
"But yeah I need to talk to you about some bad news."

"I swear to the gods that there was nothing more than just some work related stuff!"
He wanted to sound serious and annoyed, but his voice was starting to sound a bit nervous. It was hard to focus on the conversation when he was still looking at Kazuha blushing.
"What kind of bad news? Is the Fatui planning something?"

Childe looked at them both with a bored expression. "You both look like red tomatoes, it's pretty obvious that you were making out, but whatever."

"I swear Childe, I swear! We... We weren't... There wasn't anything else, I promise! We were just talking."
He was trying so hard not to look at Kazuha, he didn't want to have a conversation with Childe like this. He just wanted to hear what he wanted to tell him, it couldn't be that bad news...
"Please, just tell me what is it."

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