Cheer up, Scaramouche!/Chapter 53

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"Good, come with me, my love."
He took Kazuha's hand and started leaving the room, Arlecchino was still looking at them with her sad, teary face...

They were now at Scara's office.

Kazuha sighed. "I know you don't truly love me, but do you promise never leave me for anyone else?" He sounded serious.

"I will always be with you, I might not love you like you do, but I still care about you."
Scara sat at his desk and he let out a sigh of relief.
"You know, my love for you isn't the same as yours for me."
He spoke with sincere words, he wasn't mocking or teasing him, he was finally opening up with Kazuha.
"But I still want to be with you, and you can count on me forever, we will be always together."

Kazuha went up to Scara, close to his desk.
"How will we always be together? I'm a mortal." He was holding back his tears.

He sighed deeply, he couldn't lie to Kazuha.
"Yes... You're right, one day you won't be there with me, and I'm afraid of what will happen when that time comes."
He was holding back his own tears, he couldn't bear the thought of losing Kazuha.
"But for now, let's enjoy the moments that we have..."
He smiled, trying to show him that he wasn't going to think about such depressing thoughts, and he hugged Kazuha tightly.

Kazuha hugged him back. "Yeah..." He was trying not to cry.

"It's too early to cry, my love."
He laughed softly and caressed his hair softly.
"Let's forget about what is going to happen and just focus on now, just focus on us two, we will be together until the end."
He smiled at Kazuha and kissed his cheek with all honesty, he was happy that he had Kazuha in his life.

Kazuha smiled. "Alright..." He wiped away his tears.

"Thank you for understanding, you mean a lot to me."
He moved back to his chair and he took Kazuha on his lap, his arms hugging him tightly.
"I don't want anyone else in my life except you."
He smiled at Kazuha and he kissed him.
"No need to worry, I don't care if you're a human and I'm a puppet."

Kazuha blushed a little bit and smiled.
"Yeah...I don't care either, it's not like you being a puppet would change anything between us."

"I agree..."
He pulled Kazuha even closer to his chest, he wanted to be even more intimate in that moment.
"I can't believe that you like me, even after being so arrogant and hostile to you. You're too kind... Too naive."
He was trying not to look at Kazuha, his warm face was making him feel weak and vulnerable.
"You don't deserve this, no one deserves to have an arrogant and abusive boyfriend like me."

Kazuha chuckled. "What? You're not abusive, you never were. And look, I don't care if you're arrogant, that's a part of your personality and I'm fine with it." He smiled.

"I'm arrogant, aggressive, rude and egocentric. I only care about myself."
He spoke in a serious tone.
"How can you not see a problem with that? I treated you like a doll, like an object. Maybe my behavior seems normal to you, but you deserve more."
He looked back at Kazuha, he had a sad face, he knew that his words were just hurting Kazuha, but he couldn't hold back... He was speaking the truth...

Kazuha laughed, he was happy that Scara could admit it. "Yeah, you are arrogant and selfish but I love that, and it's nice that you only care about yourself, having a high self esteem is very good. I don't care if you're rude to me, I actually love that." He smiled.

I can't love [Kazuscara]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang