Understanding Scara/Chapter 45

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"I see, maybe I should try to get along better with Klee since she's so close to you."
He chuckled softly and then he stopped laughing. He looked at Kazu again with a cold look.
"Do you remember all the things you said to me earlier?"
He was sounding a little bit annoyed...

"Yes...they're all true."

"Really? You really meant everything you said earlier?"
He was sounding more annoyed this time.
"And you said you would sacrifice everything to be with me?"
He sounded a little bit skeptical about what Kazuha said and his tone was a little bit colder each time.
"I find it hard to believe that you actually care about me that much?"

"Well, what else can I do to prove you? Isn't all the times I kissed you, gave you my support enough...? I'll try more if it means to earn your trust, I'm really in love with you, I swear!" Kazuha was being honest and he wanted Scara to believe him.

"So you care enough about me to give me so many kisses?"
He sounded skeptical as he talked to Kazuha again. His expression still lacked of emotion but this time there was a very subtle look of annoyance and amusement.
"Well, I don't need more proof of your love for me. I just think that you need to stop being so naive."
He paused for a moment, he sounded calm again.
"I can't afford to fall in love with someone like you, Kazu. I need to stay cold and keep my distance from everyone."

"I understand, Scara. I don't force you to love me back, I know you can't. I just wanna keep being there for you, as your friend..." Kazuha looked at Scaramouche.

"Well, as long as you know I can't love you back, I'll keep giving you enough attention to make you feel comfortable."
He said it with a smile and he looked at Kazu again.
"It's cute how you care so much about me."
He giggled softly and his tone this time sounded more friendly and he was also smiling.

Kazuha chuckled. "Well I'm glad I can get your attention even if you can't love me back." Kazuha smiled as he looked at Scaramouche.

"So you don't really mind that I'm cold to you?"
He sounded slightly interested in what Kazu was saying.
"Don't you get annoyed when I act like that with you?"
He was looking at Kazu again and his tone changed to a more serious look.
"I don't want to be a bother to you."
He paused for a moment and he sounded a little bit frustrated.
"Do you really like how I act with you?"
He sounded a little bit more serious than before.

"You're not a bother for me, I really love your personality, I like your company, I don't get annoyed at you, I really enjoy the way you act." He smiled.

"I would have thought that you would get easily annoyed when I act like this towards you."
He sounded curious as he talked to Kazuha.
"I wonder, what is it that you love in me? My cold and arrogant personality? Or maybe you were attracted by how emotionless I can be?"

"Well, what if I'm attracted by both of those? I mean, you have a great personality in my point of view, I like how challenging you are~" Kazuha chuckled a little bit.

"So you like me because I'm challenging?"
He looked up at Kazuha with a subtle look of amusement and his tone sounded slightly teasing when he talked to Kazu.
"I could have thought that being with someone as emotionless as me would have been a little bit boring."
He chuckled softly and his tone sounded calm again.
"It is quite amusing how much you enjoy my behavior towards you."

Kazuha was finding a little bit funny the comments that Scara was making, he enjoyed it.
"Well yeah, I'm glad you're amused by it... I enjoy your emotionless." Kazuha smiled.

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