Going to a cinema/Chapter 42

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Kazuha arrived in Klee's house, and said: "Hello, Klee! Need my help for bombs, right?"
Kazuha laughed a little bit.
"Scaramouche sent you a hello."

Klee was surprised. "What?! I don't care if he sent me a hello! I dislike him very much."
Klee sighed.
"But yes, Klee needs Kazuha's help for bombs!"....

"Alright, I'll help you make bombs, which ones do you wanna make?"

"I would like to try anemo ones!" Klee sounded excited.
"Can you help me? You have Anemo vision!"

"Okay, Kazuha will help you, what do I need to do?" Kazuha sounded calm and happy.

Then, Klee explained Kazuha how to do bombs, and they did. Kazuha used his Anemo skill to make the potion have reaction, and they used the liquid inside of a bomb and it turned Anemo.
They did 10 Anemo bombs, Klee was very happy, she loved bombs!

"Thank you, Kazuha! You can take one of the Anemo bombs as a present but be careful!" Klee gave the bomb for him smiling.

Kazuha smiled but he was kinda confused. "Oh, thank you..."

"No problem!" Klee smiled.

After that, Kazuha went home with the Anemo bomb and he seemed to be happy for helping Klee.
He got to the bed and took a rest, he was very tired of the day.
The next day, Kazuha woke up and it looked like there would be a special cinema in Inazuma, so, of course, he wanted to go there with Scaramouche.
Kazuha went to Scara's house and knocked at his door.

He was sitting in the same place as before. The sunlight was hitting him and his face was expressionless as always. When he heard the door being knocked he got up and opened the door. He was so used to Kazuha now and it almost looked like he was relieved to see him.
"Hello Kazu. What brings you here? Is it about the movie? Is Klee going to join us?"

"Hello my favorite Fatui! Yes, I was wondering if you could come with me and Klee to the movie, maybe you guys could understand each other and she could apologize you!"

He frowned a little and crossed his arms.
"I don't see why I should waste my time going to that movie. I have more important things to do than spending the day with Klee. I don't care about some apologies, it wouldn't serve any purpose."
He sounded cold and harsh, he never seemed to change his tone. He wanted to be with Kazuha, but he also didn't want to act as if he was a kind person. He wanted Kazu to see him for who he truly was.

Kazuha chuckled. "Come on, you will be spending time with me too!"

This changed his thoughts a bit. If he had the chance to have Kazuha by his side, maybe he would be able to tolerate Klee's presence.
"I'm not interested, as I said before."
He started to shut the door but Kazu stuck his foot in the gap before it could fully close.
"What?!" Scara sighed and looked at Kazuha annoyed.
Kazu then looked down and with a serious face he said:
"Scara, you hurt Klee, her heart is broken and she wants to talk to you to make her feel better. Can you come with me please?"
"Please Scara! I'm sure she'll forgive you!"

He sighed deeply and looked away.
"What if I get bored during the movie?"
He had accepted to come but he was sure this wouldn't be the most amusing day for him.
"Fine, I'll come. But only because you asked, understand?"

Kazuha smiled. "Thank you so much, Scara! I'll make sure to make you have some fun!"

"I wish I could believe you... but I know you well now Kazu. You can't do anything to make me have fun, you haven't managed to do it yet."
He looked a bit annoyed but it was clear he didn't mean it, he was just very harsh and difficult to please because of his personality.
"You should start getting used to the fact that I don't show many feelings. It will make our future much easier."
He walked away to go get ready as well as to avoid Kazuha and his insistent questions and remarks.

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