Scaramouche VS Dottore/Chapter 56

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"Yes, Dottore, I'm ready."
Scara sounded confident. He knew this duel was going to be hard, maybe even harder than anything else he ever did, but he was ready to fight.
"Let's see who wins, shall we?"
He was starting the fight, his face showed no signs of fear, he was calm and composed, even if he was very nervous and scared, he couldn't let the Doctor notice that. The duel had begun...

Dottore attacked Scara, he felt into the ground with blood in his mouth, seems like Dottore had given him a strong punch on the face. Kazuha was watching it all and he was completely scared, he didn't like to see Scara hurt.

Scara was in pain, but he got back up immediately, bleeding from his mouth. He was angry, and he wanted to hurt Dottore, but above all he wanted to protect Kazuha, he knew he had to win the fight somehow.
"How dare you make me bleed..."
He clenched his fists and he started to attack Dottore back, he wanted to hurt him for hurting him earlier. It hurt, but he wanted to hurt the Doctor more, he wasn't going to be beaten so easily.

Dottore laughed. "You really think you can beat me, don't you?" Dottore grabbed Scara's arm and threw him in the air, he fell, hitting himself on a wall, he was bleeding from his leg now.
Dottore came closer to Scara and punched him in the face.
"Seems like the puppet is hurt." He laughed.

He got back up and tried to wipe the blood from his face, still bleeding. He could feel the pain, but he couldn't let it stop him.
"I'll beat you, even if I have to destroy my body!"
He was willing to break every bone in his body if that meant to protect Kazuha.
"I just need to win somehow, I can do this... for Kazuha."

Kazuha was watching it all with an impressed expression, Childe was very shocked by watching all that.

Dottore slapped Scaramouche in the face and said. "Go ahead, attack me, you haven't made me bleed yet." He laughed again.

"Alright then, I'll just make you scream!"
Even if he couldn't make him bleed, he was sure he was hurting Dottore. His blows were not as strong or as precise as the Doctor's one, but after all, he had trained all his life to know exactly where to hit in order to hurt the most.
"Don't underestimate me, Dottore."
He clenched his fists and punched with all his strength, he wanted to break the Doctor's face by force.

Dottore fell on the ground with his nose and mouth bleeding.
"Oh, so you finally decided to use that strength of yours." He laughed.
Dottore got up and grabbed Scara's clothes by his chest and punched him.
"Come on, weren't you created to destroy?"

He was shocked to see the Doctor bleed from his nose, it seemed like he had managed to hurt Dottore as he was planning to do before. He was breathing heavily and he was still bleeding from his mouth, as well as a new bruise below his eye, but he was winning. It made him feel better, especially for Kazuha's sake.
"I'm not here to destroy you, Dottore. I'm here to save Kazuha's life."
He was holding as much as he could his stance, he wanted to stop Dottore, one last punch should do the trick.

Dottore laughed and yelled: "BRING THE WEAPONS! This fight is going to be interesting..."
He looked at Scaramouche.
"The one who stabs first is the winner."

"If I can choose my weapon of choice then... very well."
Scara was determined to win this fight, he already knew what weapon he was going to choose, he was thinking about it all along. He just had to hope that Dottore would not go against his weapon of choice. He couldn't allow to lose this battle.
"Is there any rule you wish to introduce, Dottore?"
He needed to get an agreement on the fight to win this, he couldn't allow Dottore to change the rules or trick him in any way.

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