Chapter 106 - Click, Click, Boom!

Start from the beginning

"I really doubt it." Amanda scoffs once more while glancing away for a bit. 

"You want to play with fire that badly?" Marcello asks, still not glancing at the team as the discussion happens. 

"Marcello, how hard can that be? It's a possible tactic to try, and you know it doesn't hurt a lot to try in times like this!" 

But before the discussion can continue, a static sound is heard for a bit, then a voice comes up. 

"Group C2-38, to the top floor immediately," the male voice says before it cuts off once more. The members stare at it for a bit while Amanda and Eron sigh for a bit, and Salim chuckles for a bit as Marcello turns around with a scowl on his face. 

"Let the moment decide if luck is on your side," Marcello says as he heads to the door with Eron following him close behind. Salim merely smirks for a bit while tapping on the shoulder as Amanda opens the door leading to the corridor outside the room. 

"It's showtime," Salim says while he and the rest of the group exit the room and turn left in the corridor, surrounded by different leading to different rooms up until the end of it, where it shows the doors of the elevators, with the arrows indicating whether to go up or down. Salim clicks on the button on the right, which is where they will go straight up to the top floor of the tower. 

Some seconds after waiting, a ding is heard from the machine, and the elevator's door opens by itself. Salim cracks a smile while glancing at Amanda for a bit, who merely frowns at him with Marcello and Eron replying in kind, even when trying to give a nice chuckle, this doesn't change the mood quite much as they enter the elevator, and Salim presses the last button in the upper part of the elevator. 

The door closes, as the elevator heads upward to the meeting point as dictated by their Zlocan bosses. While simpler matters can be much more understood in why acting for two sides can work, it's a murkier ground when it comes to times of great urgency and potential destruction from an unknown force like the Zlocu. It's like a game of gambling with higher stakes than before. And one must choose the stakes rather carefully, less the consequences mean that it can cost more than one's status and health, but the fates of those around the gambler too. 

C'mon, it worked out for my man Seiner, it can work here too...!  Such are the many things running through Salim's head while facing the frowns of his teammates over his choice. Ones that he wants to believe are the best ones to pick. 

At least he hopes so. 

The elevator stops, followed by the sound of a ding, opening the door revealing the helipad located at the top of the tower, where a stationed Zlocan hovercraft is in the center guarded by four Zlocan guards standing in position while a certain female redhead waits in the center, all while sporting a wide smirk from the face as she observes the shakiness and tilted heads from the four rebellious ones. 

A time for Sally to shine it seems. 

"Next time, you get to be the fucking prisoner..." Amanda mutters near with the most whispery tone she can muster near Salim while suppressing a scowl on her face. 

"Just follow the motions, please..." Salim says while trying to keep a firm posture and steady face in front of Sally and the Zlocan guards around her. They continue walking with tense firmness until they stop in front of Sally who merely stands still with her arms crossed on her back. 

"So, you did reach here after all. Just in time to see which of you get to be the guinea pigs of today's match," Sally says while keeping her smirk in front of the four inmates. 

"Hey, is the makeup still good?" Salim says while smirking back at her. This makes her fluster a bit while raising her finger in an attempt to muster a response to no avail, all while Salim chuckles in response. 

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