Chapter 81

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"12 gauge on my waist 'bout to waste your cousin fade away in the fog you a memory dog." Debbie rapped as she skipped down the hallway early in the morning.

"Sorry, Megan. Fucking meds." Ian sighed as we cuddled together in his bed, me leaning in to kiss him but Ian not being in the mood.

"Yeah. It could also be the toddler staring at us from the corner or the jacked-up teenage girl down the hall or even my daughter who is awake now" I looked to see Riley in her playpen, smiling after having me up all night. "Whatever. Try again later." I brushed it off, crawling out of bed as Ian sat up. "All right, breakfast of champs. We got your mood stabilizer, anti-psychotic, anti-depressant. Gatorade." I cheered out, handing them all to Ian who had his head down tiredly.

"Fucking nurse now?" He mumbled.

"Shut the fuck up. Take the pills, bitch." I ruffled his hair before kissing his forehead and moving to pick up Riley, taking Liam downstairs with us as well. Ian took his pills after watching me leave.

"Hey, no caffeine. On your meds." I warned Ian when he stepped into the kitchen. I put Riley in her high chair, Sammi sitting at the table looking at newspaper ads. I turned back to him to see him pouring himself a mug of coffee.

"Hey. How are you feeling?" Debbie wondered kindly as I took the mug from Ian with a grin, leaning back against the counter and sipping it as he just sighed, my smile fading.

"Not feeling." Ian told her.

"That's an improvement. At least you're not swinging baseball bats at my head." She joked lightly but the tone in the room was still very tense. "Stinks in here."

"Yeah, that's 'cause the milk went bad." I told her, pointing to the milk jug that I had emptied moments earlier while Ian was trying to sneak coffee.

"Nobody put it away?" Debbie wondered with disgust at the chunkiness of it still draining down the sink.

"That milk is part of the Gallagher household, of which I am no longer a member, and therefore not responsible." Sammi claimed from her seat.

"Then why are you still here?" Debbie asked back.

"Apartment listings. Calling around today." She held up the paper.

"What's up with the water faucet?" Debbie asked next.

"Guess nobody paid the water bill." Sammi said next while I got some pop tarts out for us all.

"But I took a shower this morning." Debbie claimed.

"Lucky you. They must have just shut it off."

"Nobody made breakfast?" Debbie looked around as I held up the box of pop tarts, knowing that was all the food we had in the cupboard at the moment.

"What's it look like?" I shrugged back.

"What about groceries? When is the last time anyone went shopping?" Debbie looked around, seething with annoyance.

"Ill go after work" I promised Debbie, seeing her stress.

"Who melted my spatula?" Sammi held up the item while entering the already busy kitchen. "That's fine. Don't claim responsibility. For anything. That's the Gallagher way." Sammi threw a dish into the sink, storming out with Debbie.

"I'm not eating that." Ian shook his head at the pop tart I set in front of him.

"Eat it. Take all those pills on an empty stomach and you're going to have diarrhea real bad." I told him imply, leaning back and watching him. He took a bite of the pop tart before looking up at me.

Until the end (Ian Gallagher x OC)Where stories live. Discover now