Chapter 66

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"Hey, Mandy still asleep?" I wondered, walking downstairs to meet up with Ian after putting Riley down for a nap as she had me up most of the night.

"In Lip's room." Ian nodded, working around in the kitchen.

"What are you eating, pancakes? What time did you get up?" I questioned.

"About 5:00." Ian said simply yet happily.

"You didn't get back from work until 3:00." I recalled.

"Yeah, I went for a run this morning. I have a ton of energy. Oh! Check out this sunrise. Look at that. It's crazy." He pulled out his phone and ran over to show me the picture he got.

"Yeah, that's real nice. Must really clear your mind watching a sunrise after a long night of gargling old man balls." I teased, taking the phone as he went back to making pancakes.

"Mm-hmm." he nodded cheerily and I laughed.

"Thanks" I smiled as Ian handed me a plate of breakfast and I gave him back his phone. The lockscreen on his phone being a photo he had taken a few nights ago when he returned home from work to find me asleep in his bed with Riley sleeping in my arms.

"Fiona never came home. She violated probation." Debbie stated with worry when she came down for the morning.

"She's not in her room?" Ian asked.

"I checked last night, again this morning." Debbie explained.

"Back to the metal motel." I commented with a sigh, knowing she would be brought back for breaking probation.

"I called Sheila. She's not there, and she's not at the hospital with Kev and V-- "

"The hospital?" I asked.

"Vee's having her babies." Debbie shrugged.

"She is? Wow." Ian smiled.

"Fiona would not miss her curfew on purpose. What if she got mugged or fell in front of the El?" She continued to worry for her sister.

"She's probably fine, Debs. Maybe she got permission to go out." Ian suggested while I gave him a weary look.

"You don't think we should call the police?" Debbie asked.

"No, that'll just make shit worse." I told her strictly, not wanting her to worsen the situation.

"Well, then what do we do? Will someone at least call hospitals while I'm at school?" Debbie asked out.

"I'm on it." I promised, being forced to stay home from school for a few weeks of recovery before being allowed back.

"Ugh, I lost the shiv Carl made for me. Melted toothbrush, duct tape handle--" Debbie started looking around.

"Why do you need a shiv?" Ian asked, confused.

"In case I run into my ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend." Debbie shrugged, grabbing supplies.  "What-- what happened to you?" Debbie gasped as she turned to see Mandy walk in within a black eye and bloody lip.

"Kenyatta happened." I answered.

"I'm over it, okay? Let's move on." Mandy shot me a warning look.

"I told Mickey she could stay here. And you're not going back, by the way. We'll find you someplace to live, okay?" Ian promised gently.

"I have to go. Are you calling hospitals?" Debbie urged.

"Yep. Sorry. Doing it now." I promised as I pulled out my phone.

"Oh, there it is." Debbie grabbed the shiv from my hand as I pulled it out of the cutlery cup on the table with a look of confusion as my phone rang.

"That a shiv?" Mandy wondered.

Until the end (Ian Gallagher x OC)Where stories live. Discover now