Chapter 31

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"Out of milk; Bev wants breakfast." Carl starts, taking Ians bowl of cereal from him just as he was about to eat.

"Oh, come on. What about all those house-sitting jobs?" Ian tried to help his brother, taking back the cereal.

"We got any Virginia Slims?" Carl turned to his friend.

"Let's try the neighbors." They started towards the front door and I looked to Ian simply laughing and shaking my head."If we get bloody-mary mix, Bev promised she'd show us a tit." They both proudly explained, leaving the kitchen once and for all.

"Oh" my eyes went wide in shock at their statement, but I shook it off as it was a normal day on the south side.

"Where can I get knives and blunts?" Debbie entered the kitchen with her interesting question, me sitting at the counter while Ian made a pot of coffee.

"Alley behind the OTB. Ask for Raoul," Ian explained simply.

"But bring a rag. Sometimes he doesn't bother to wipe the blood off the blades." I added a warning.

"Carl's boarder. Put in a load a couple minutes ago." Ian told Fiona as she came down with a laundry basket to see the washer going already.

"Lip up?" She dropped the basket and asked Ian, Lip having been sleeping in all day since he got the news from Karen. She nodded for Debbie to go check on him.

"I gotta head out to work" I stood up, walking out with a wave to my second family.


"Now, I need an alibi for Eddie Jackson's murder." Frank stated to Lip who was moving to feed Liam.

"Why, did you kill him?" Lip asked with some amusement in his tone.


"Eddie's dead?" Ian entered the kitchen, reaching up to grab something from the cupboard.

"Yep." Frank answers as though it wasn't a big deal.

"Hey, does Karen know?" Lip worried.

"You got to swear we were on a camping trip, a long weekend in Wisconsin." Frank stated while Lip seemed distracted.

"Hey, well, Ian, watch Liam." Lip rushed out, pointing to Ian with the orders.

"We were on a camping trip—" Frank turned to Ian next.

"Perjure myself? Yeah, that'll look great on my West Point application." Ian claimed sarcastically. "Try Megan's dad. I hear lying to cops is his specialty." He said, sitting down to feed Liam in his high chair.

"Hiya, Phil." Frank greeted as a man walked down the stairs with the prostitute who was currently living in their house. Ian shook his head, focusing on feeding Liam.

I walked up the front steps to the Gallagher house as Frank ran outside and down the street in a hurry. I watched him take off before shrugging and going inside to figure out what was going on.

"Where is Frank off to in such a hurry?" I asked Ian as he was sitting in the kitchen with his youngest brother.

"Needed an alibi for Eddie Jackson's murder and I told him Terry would help"

"That will go well" I commented with a sigh, knowing my father absolutely hated the Gallaghers. "Alright, you ready to start learning?" I asked him knowing that he needed to study to get into Westpoint.

"Yeah" Ian set Liam in his crib for a nap while we went to his room and began doing math problems from the textbook.

"Megan!" Debbie cried out as she ran upstairs in search of me.

Until the end (Ian Gallagher x OC)Where stories live. Discover now