Chapter 54

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"What'd you hit?" Mickey asked, walking up to the house having a smoke while Mandy cleaned off her car.

"Girl at school." Mandy answered casually.

"Don't forget to check for hair behind the grill. Call Manny about the windshield." Mickey told her as he came inside. "I got something for you" Mickey tossed a brown paper bag onto the table in front of me as he went to get himself a beer from the fridge.

"I don't want your drugs" I claimed, pushing the bag away.

"They're prenatal vitamins, take them" he pushed the bag towards me again.

"You're a good brother" I offered him a small smile, knowing I had treated him badly the past few days.

"It's easy when I have a good sister," he replied. "But I should have protected you from the start" he began blaming himself.

"This isn't your fault. It's not my fault and it's not Ian's fault. Terry did this and Sven did this and we had no say in the matter" I reminded sternly, also reminding myself.


"How many slaves you think George Washington had sex with?" Carl asked Fiona as she walked out of the bathroom into the kitchen.

"Carl, eat. Now." She pointed, holding back a laugh at the odd question.

"More than Lincoln, less than Jefferson." Ian guessed, looking up from his homework at the table.

"Ian, that bruise is looking better." Fiona commented as Ian kept a stern face.

"Who beat you up again?" Carl asked with a grin.

"No one. It's ROTC, practicing hand-to-hand." Ian lied, covering up the truth of the Milkoviches life.

"Marines still fight with their fists?" Carl questioned next.

"In certain situations, yes." Ian leaned back in his chair.

"What's the point of building nukes if we ain't nuking anybody?"

"Gross National Product." Fiona answered Carls next question.

"Can I use last night's chicken bones to make soup?" Debbie came walking downstairs.

"As long as they're not in the trash." Fiona sighed. "Lip hear anything new about Karen?" She worried next, the thought coming to mind.

"Still asleep." Debbie answered.

"Karen or Lip?" Fiona asked questionably while putting on her jacket.

"Both." Debbie said.

"What about Megan? I haven't seen her in a while" Fiona looked at Ian next.

"She wants nothing to do with me, something happened with her dad again" Ian shrugged, clearly not wanting to discuss it further.

"Hey, I'm sure she'll come around soon" She told him with a nod and a hopeful smile.

"Up and at 'em, yet again. Impressive." Jimmy-Steve walked down with Liam.

"Having a job does that to me. You good with Liam duty again today?" Fiona questioned.

"Me and Liam are deeply bonded bros." Jimmy-Steve gave Liam a fist bump with a laugh as Ian got up, setting his dishes in the sink and walking off to get ready for school.

"Bye." Fiona told the kids, Jimmy-Steve walking with her as she moved out.

"Bye!" Carl called back.

"Be good for Jimmy." Fiona told Liam as they walked past Ian in the living room.

"Hey, here." Ian took Liam from Jimmy so that he could talk to Fiona.

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