Chapter 28

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"Hey, Debs" I greeted, knocking on the door to her room to make my presence known as I stepped inside.

"Megan, Ians in his room" Debbie pointed simply.

"I'm here to see you actually" I started, sitting on her bed beside her.


"Ian tells me that you have an obsession with death, what's that about?" I wondered curiously, seeing if I could get her to tell me what was wrong.

"Did you know that boys die before women? Which means that the boys will die before us. Then Fiona because she's the oldest, then you and I'll be left alone" She explained.

"Debbie, no ones leaving you anytime soon" I rubbed her back gently.

"Hi, Megan," Fiona greeted, appearing in the doorway. "We are going out for lunch," She announced.

"What?" We both asked back in confusion.

"I found a purse on the El, lots of money in it" She held up the bag proudly. I stood up, holding my hand out for Debbie which she gratefully accepted. Stepping outside we met up with the others, Ian and I walked together as Debbie went off with Ethyl.


"My steak is too rare." Veronica complained as she cut into it. Carl came back to the table with his plate full of food from the buffet.

"Have this one, king Henry." Fiona hands her another plate happily.

"Hey, what was the final tally in the purse?" Lip wondered.

"526 bucks."

"Who carries around that kind of cash?" Ian asked in shock.

"Uh... Kim Furtado." Fiona read off the purse's wallet.

"Some rich bitch." Veronica said.

"In our neighborhood?" I asked back in confusion.

"Uh, I was up in Glencoe having coffee with a friend from high school." She explained.

"That guy from your diary?" Carl smirked.

"Shut up, and eat your spaghetti taco." Fiona told him in a scolding manner.

"You think it's real? And if so, can I have it?" Veronica looked at the fancy purse sitting on the middle of the table.

"Yeah, it is. The L-V's are two inches apart, seams are even, stitching's yellow, and the leather has turned dark brown from oxidation." Lip explained as everyone looked to him in confusion at this knowledge. "I read a lot." He shrugged in response.

"Debs. Have more salad-- It's all-you-can-eat." Fiona told her looking back as she sat with Ethyl at another table.

"Um, hey, Fi. Hm? Know what you should do?" Lip asked her, calling her attention back to our table.

"Ride the El more often?" Fiona asked back.

"I think I found her home number. Tell her you found her purse-- I bet she'll give you a reward. Shit, it went to voicemail-- Leave a message." Lip said after calling the number from the woman's ID.

"Hi, Kim. Uh, my name's Fiona. I found your purse on the El. Um, give me a call back on your cell so that I can get it back to you. Okay, bye." She handed the phone back to Lip.

"Perfect. Now, don't give it back unless she gives you at least 200 bucks. That's how much we can get for it on eBay." Lip told her. "All right, you guys. Let's go stock up on chicken nuggets for home." Lip started to the boys.

"I heart sizzler." Carl said as they all went back to the buffet to get more food.

"You know, it's a good thing that I met up with Craig Heisner. Otherwise I never would've found the purse." Fiona claimed, looking to her best friend.

Until the end (Ian Gallagher x OC)Where stories live. Discover now